Letters from Rifka Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Letters from Rifka Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The children in the park have fun with Rifka and good-naturedly tease her about __________________.
(a) her kerchief.
(b) her shoes.
(c) her accent.
(d) her bald head.

2. Rifka says that the wounded ship moved so slowly to America that she could have _____________________.
(a) fixed the boat faster.
(b) swum there faster.
(c) pushed the boat faster.
(d) rowed there faster.

3. When does Rifka finally reach America?
(a) July 24, 1900.
(b) June 25, 1922.
(c) September 15, 1919.
(d) October 1, 1920.

4. What is notable about the big man Rifka sees in a cafe?
(a) He is deaf.
(b) He is missing a thumb.
(c) He has gold teeth.
(d) He has a peg leg.

5. What does the person in #73 teach Rifka regarding hygiene?
(a) How to wash her hair.
(b) How to wash her clothes.
(c) How to brush her teeth.
(d) How to scrub her nails.

6. What is the item in #90 made of?
(a) Wool.
(b) Suede.
(c) Leather.
(d) Velvet.

7. What amazes the passenger's on Rifka's ship as they pull into the harbor?
(a) Ellis Island.
(b) All the ships in the harbor.
(c) The tall buildings.
(d) The Statue of Liberty.

8. How does Pieter die?
(a) He is hit by a falling mast.
(b) He gets food poisoning.
(c) He drowns during a storm.
(d) He has typhus.

9. What does Rifka think America is?
(a) A place to start anew.
(b) A journey's end.
(c) A place of disappointments.
(d) A land of milk and honey.

10. Who is the couple who has taken Rifka into their home in Belgium?
(a) Maurice and Gabrielle.
(b) Gaston and Marie.
(c) Gerard and Marie.
(d) Phillippe and Cecile.

11. Who is the sailor with whom Rifka makes friends on the ship?
(a) Paul.
(b) Alexi.
(c) Pieter.
(d) Gregor.

12. What language does the person in #73 teach Rifka?
(a) Flemish.
(b) Dutch.
(c) French.
(d) English.

13. The HIAS lady in Antwerp took Rifka to a cowboy movie starring whom?
(a) Clint Eastwood.
(b) John Wayne.
(c) Roy Rogers.
(d) Tom Mix.

14. How does Rifka say goodbye to the milkman at her house?
(a) She shakes his hand.
(b) She kisses his hand.
(c) She hugs him.
(d) She simply smiles.

15. Who helps Rifka buy her ticket to America?
(a) Sister Katrina.
(b) The lady from HIAS.
(c) Marie.
(d) Gaston.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where do Mama and Papa work in America?

2. Which of the following is NOT a food Rifka discovers in Antwerp?

3. What color is the little desk Rifka spends much time at in her room in Belgium?

4. Who is the nun who gives Rifka her treatments?

5. What is steerage class on a steamship?

(see the answer keys)

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