Let the Great World Spin Test | Final Test - Easy

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Let the Great World Spin Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Whose funeral does Tillie say she wasn't allowed to attend in Book 2, Chapter 7: "This is the House That Horse Built"?
(a) Corrigan's.
(b) Jazzlyn's.
(c) Peter's.
(d) Sam's.

2. Who informs Solomon about the tightrope walker in Book 3, Chapter 9: "Part of the Parts"?
(a) Gloria.
(b) Marcia.
(c) Judge Pollack.
(d) Claire.

3. Who suggests the women meet again next week at her house when leaving Claire's in Book 3, Chapter 11: "All Hail and Hallelujah"?
(a) Gloria.
(b) Marcia.
(c) Claire.
(d) Sarah.

4. Who visits Tillie in prison in Book 2, Chapter 7: "This is the House That Horse Built"?
(a) Jazzlyn.
(b) Lara.
(c) Ciaran.
(d) Corrigan.

5. For how long does Adelita say Tillie was sent away for in Book 3, Chapter 10: "Centavos"?
(a) 6 weeks.
(b) 2 years.
(c) 2 months.
(d) 8 months.

6. What is the name of Solomon Soderberg's wife?
(a) Gloria.
(b) Jennifer.
(c) Claire.
(d) Sarah.

7. Where did Jaslyn grow up after her mother's death?
(a) Poughkeepsie, New York.
(b) Newark, New Jersey.
(c) Montague, California.
(d) Cleveland, Ohio.

8. Where does Jaslyn check into a hotel while in New York in Book 4, Chapter 12: "Roaring Seaward, And I Go"?
(a) The Oriental Hotel.
(b) The Waldorf Astoria.
(c) The St. Regis Hotel.
(d) The Four Seasons.

9. What sound is described as overtaking all sounds to the walker in Book 2, Chapter 8: "The Ringing Grooves of Change"?
(a) His heartbeat.
(b) Birds squawking.
(c) Sirens.
(d) Whistling.

10. What imagery is employed in the conclusion of Book 2, Chapter 8: "The Ringing Grooves of Change"?
(a) "All was silence and petulance."
(b) "All was white and blue and screaming."
(c) "The sounds of crickets overtook the air."
(d) "All was red and blue and wail."

11. What musician does Tillie describe on the radio when she and Jazzlyn were arrested?
(a) Bob Dylan.
(b) Bob Marley.
(c) Crystal Gail.
(d) John Lennon.

12. Where does Pino say he's just moved in Book 4, Chapter 12: "Roaring Seaward, And I Go"?
(a) New Orleans.
(b) Jackson.
(c) Brooklyn.
(d) Little Rock.

13. How many times does Gloria say she's been mugged in New York over the years in Book 3, Chapter 11: "All Hail and Hallelujah"?
(a) 7 times.
(b) 2 times.
(c) 10 times.
(d) 5 times.

14. What does Tillie describe as the "best stroll" she worked as a prostitute in Book 2, Chapter 7: "This is the House That Horse Built"?
(a) Greenwich Village.
(b) 12th and Broadway.
(c) Harlem.
(d) 49th and Lexington.

15. How old was Tillie when she first began prostituting herself?
(a) 19.
(b) 12.
(c) 16.
(d) 15.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Jaslyn attend college?

2. In what borough of New York does Adelita live?

3. What does the tag on the man's bag in front of Jaslyn at the airport say in Book 4, Chapter 12: "Roaring Seaward, And I Go"?

4. Who was Tillie's first pimp in New York?

5. Where does Solomon Soderberg live?

(see the answer keys)

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