Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism Test | Final Test - Easy

Catherine Maurice
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism Test | Final Test - Easy

Catherine Maurice
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why do Catherine and Marc need to adapt every program?
(a) To suit their daughter.
(b) To allow Anne Marie to get to know her family better.
(c) To adapt into their time schedule.
(d) To fit into their budget.

2. Where is the Mothering Center Dr. Welch invites Catherine to?
(a) New York.
(b) Pennsylvania.
(c) South Carolina.
(d) Connecticut.

3. What does Anne Marie say that causes Catherine and Bridget to become excited?
(a) "Hi Daddy."
(b) "Bridget."
(c) "Hi Mama."
(d) "More please."

4. What does Catherine find herself defending to everyone as therapy progresses?
(a) Art therapy.
(b) Animal therapy.
(c) Speech therapy.
(d) Holding therapy.

5. What does Catherine believe is the key to Anne Marie's recovery?
(a) Behavioral therapy.
(b) Persistence.
(c) Faith in God.
(d) Holding therapy.

6. How does Catherine's opinion of Bridget change as she watches her work with Anne Marie?
(a) She gains respect for her.
(b) Her opinion does not change.
(c) She loses respect for her.
(d) She considers her part of the family.

7. What does Catherine succeed in doing with Michel?
(a) Getting Michel to say "Mama."
(b) Getting Michel to feed himself.
(c) Getting Michel to walk.
(d) Getting Michel to ask for trains.

8. What aspect of autism causes Catherine to doubt Dr. Welch?
(a) The belief that Anne Marie will never recover.
(b) The use of aversives.
(c) The belief that it can't be cured.
(d) The mother bonding theory.

9. What does Catherine begin to sense about Michel?
(a) That he doesn't understand what's going on around him.
(b) That he is autistic.
(c) That he is a genius.
(d) That he is deaf.

10. What does Catherine note about Anne Marie by spring after the second in-home visit?
(a) She is starting to return to old behaviors.
(b) She is starting to stutter.
(c) She is still recovering well.
(d) She has not improved in several weeks.

11. How do all tasks begin, according to behavioral therapy?
(a) Follow-through.
(b) Modeling.
(c) Words.
(d) Prompting.

12. How does the first month of therapy go with Michel?
(a) Not well.
(b) Sporadically.
(c) Slowly.
(d) Very well.

13. What toy is Anne Marie eager for Catherine to assemble?
(a) A doll house.
(b) A swing set.
(c) A tricycle.
(d) An indoor tent.

14. According to Catherine, how many things about behavioral modification should people know?
(a) Four.
(b) Three.
(c) Five.
(d) Ten.

15. What is the final step of all tasks, according to behavioral therapy?
(a) Modeling.
(b) Words.
(c) Prompting.
(d) Follow-through.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the young woman Dr. Welch claims is "cured" of autism?

2. When are additional therapists brought on?

3. What is Michel's diagnosis?

4. Who reevaluates Anne Marie's language?

5. What reason does Bridget give for some of Anne Marie's other behaviors increasing?

(see the answer keys)

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