Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Catherine Maurice
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Let Me Hear Your Voice: A Family's Triumph Over Autism Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Catherine Maurice
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What therapy does Catherine discover in Chapter 11 that she believes is the key to Anne Marie's recovery?
(a) Art therapy.
(b) Holding therapy.
(c) Animal therapy.
(d) Speech therapy.

2. What is one clue to Catherine about Anne Marie in Chapter 1?
(a) She seems to know when someone is coming to the door.
(b) She cries incessantly.
(c) She is already speaking in two- and three-word sentences.
(d) She is not afraid of strangers.

3. What does Catherine's doctor tell her about autism?
(a) Catherine carries antibodies.
(b) There will be a cure eventually.
(c) There is a cure, but it is expensive.
(d) Nothing can be done.

4. How does Catherine react to being comforted about Anne Marie's illness?
(a) She allows herself to be comforted.
(b) She pulls away.
(c) She breaks down in tears.
(d) She claims she's fine.

5. Who is the author of the book?
(a) Catherine Maurice.
(b) Bridget Taylor.
(c) Bernard Rimland, Ph.D.
(d) Anne Marie Maurice.

6. The foreword is a heartfelt supportive argument for the use of what?
(a) Behavior modification.
(b) Speech therapy.
(c) Holding therapy.
(d) Psychoanalytic counseling.

7. What is the relationship between Catherine Maurice and Bernard Rimland?
(a) He was her neighbor.
(b) He was her mentor.
(c) He was her father.
(d) He was her husband.

8. What book does Catherine read that becomes her call to arms?
(a) The Bible.
(b) The Eyre Affair.
(c) The Red Tent.
(d) The Siege.

9. When Catherine asks, who strongly advocates Dr. Lovaas's therapy program?
(a) Dr. Welch.
(b) Dr. Gershwin.
(c) Dr. Lovaas.
(d) Dr. Cohen.

10. According to the foreword, how do many view behavior modification therapy?
(a) Cruel.
(b) Loving.
(c) Impossible.
(d) Temporary.

11. What is Bridget's relationship with the Maurice family?
(a) Michel's teacher.
(b) A therapist who worked with the family.
(c) A physician who worked with the family.
(d) Anne Marie's teacher.

12. What is the recommended treatment for Anne Marie at the beginning of Chapter 3?
(a) A vitamin supplement.
(b) Chemotherapy.
(c) Immediate therapy.
(d) A vaccine.

13. What is the name of the neurologist Catherine takes Anne Marie to see?
(a) Dr. Cohen.
(b) Dr. Welch.
(c) Dr. DeCarlo.
(d) Dr. Baxter.

14. According to Chapter 8, what is one way behaviors are achieved in behavioral therapy?
(a) Through a live-in program.
(b) By secluding the child.
(c) By force.
(d) Through repetition.

15. According to Chapter 8, what is one way behaviors are achieved in behavioral therapy?
(a) Light therapy.
(b) Animal therapy.
(c) A special nutrition system.
(d) Positive reinforcement.

Short Answer Questions

1. According to the foreword, what has been proven helpful for autistic children?

2. What lists does the therapist ask Catherine to make?

3. A friend calls Catherine with news of therapy that involves intense _______.

4. From whom does Catherine get another diagnosis for Anne Marie?

5. What do Catherine and Marc note about their child at the beginning of Chapter 1?

(see the answer keys)

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