Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances Test | Final Test - Medium

John Green
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Let It Snow: Three Holiday Romances Test | Final Test - Medium

John Green
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 2, when would have been Jeb and Addie's one-year anniversary?
(a) January 3.
(b) New Year's Eve.
(c) Christmas Eve.
(d) December 22.

2. What dessert does Addie's family have for Christmas Eve?
(a) Cherries Jubilee.
(b) Angel Food Cake.
(c) German Chocolate Cake.
(d) Peach pie.

3. In Chapter 16 of The Patron Saint of Pigs, who gives Addie a message from Jeb?
(a) Charlie.
(b) Christina.
(c) Stuart and Jubilee.
(d) Tobin and Angie.

4. In Chapter 3 of The Patron Saint of Pigs, what area code is an unknown call that shows on Addie's phone?
(a) Virginia.
(b) Georgia.
(c) Tennessee.
(d) South Carolina.

5. What does Duke purchase at the convenience store in Chapter 9 of A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle?
(a) Coffee.
(b) Socks.
(c) Hot chocolate.
(d) Mittens.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where did Addie tell Jeb about her indiscretion with Charlie?

2. What flavor gum does Tegan have for Gabriel in Chapter 5 of The Patron Saint of Pigs?

3. In Chapter 10 of A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle, what vehicle goes by when Tobin and his friends hide behind a snowdrift?

4. In Chapter 9 of A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle, as Tobin and his friends walk toward the Waffle House, how high is the snow on one side of the street?

5. In Chapter 10 of A Cheertastic Christmas Miracle, how many socks does Tobin put on?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Dorrie say to Addie in Chapter 11 of The Patron Saint of Pigs when she learns that Addie has not picked up the pig?

2. In Chapter 15 of The Patron Saint of Pigs, who bought Gabriel and why?

3. Why does Mayzie give Addie advice in Chapter 9 of The Patron Saint of Pigs?

4. How do Addie and Jeb get back together?

5. What does Duke say about cheerleaders and being sexist in Chapter 10?

6. Why does Dorrie say that she does not think Addie should get back together with Jeb?

7. In Chapter 5 of The Patron Saint of Pigs, who is Gabriel and how is Tegan getting him?

8. In Chapter 2 of The Patron Saint of Pigs, what did Addie ask Jeb in her email to him?

9. How did Duke get her nickname?

10. What advice does Mayzie give Addie in Chapter 9 of The Patron Saint of Pigs?

(see the answer keys)

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