Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Test | Final Test - Medium

Goldian VandenBroeck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Test | Final Test - Medium

Goldian VandenBroeck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Surya Prem says that when children are little, they should be taught to want __________, according to the book.
(a) Less.
(b) More.
(c) Nothing.
(d) Little.

2. The power of the _______ is unlimited and is the tool that changes culture, according to the book.
(a) Individual.
(b) Masses.
(c) Child.
(d) Country.

3. To Honore de Balzac, the artist is the one who has always kept the true _______ between riches and poverty, according to the book.
(a) Space.
(b) Balance.
(c) Understanding.
(d) Volume.

4. Saint Bernard is criticized for riding a ________ while making his rounds to the poor, according to the book.
(a) Mule.
(b) Horse.
(c) Elephant.
(d) Wagon.

5. Man seems to be inefficient in _________ himself, according to the books' contents, and according to the wise writers.
(a) Proving.
(b) Limiting.
(c) Enjoying.
(d) Believing.

Short Answer Questions

1. Using _______, Marya Mannes writes a piece that addresses the avarice and the dysfunction of America in the book.

2. ________ writes that it can take a man a lifetime to learn how to live, according to the writing in this section.

3. The three elements that Robert speaks of in his section can only be obtained through the ________ of unnecessary things, according to the book.

4. It is not a good idea to put too much emphasis on one's __________ at the detriment of leisure, according to the book.

5. Within the country of America, according to the book, the idea of leisure is seen as an interruption of ___________.

Short Essay Questions

1. What does John Locke say that parents should not do with their children?

2. What does Huxley have to say about the West and what it is doing to the world as it grows?

3. What should happen once wealth and possessions have been renounced, according to this section?

4. What has the artist always been able to do, according to Honore de Balzac?

5. What does Seneca say it may take a man a lifetime to learn, according to the book?

6. What does this section say that children are taught at a young age, which might explain modern society?

7. What does Robert Graves point out about the ideas of money and poverty and poetry?

8. What should education teach children, according to the ideas in the book?

9. What does Saint Bernard have to say about the idea of having many possessions?

10. What does the Ford Foundation report have to say about the idea of overpopulation?

(see the answer keys)

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