Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Goldian VandenBroeck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Goldian VandenBroeck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The poor man will feel content with the _________ from a rich man, though the rich man just wants to be rid of them.
(a) Rotten food.
(b) Gold pieces.
(c) Discarded clothes.
(d) Cans of jelly.

2. Gandhi calls the process of getting rid of what he owned a removal of a _________ from his shoulders, according to the book.
(a) Bag.
(b) Burden.
(c) Monkey.
(d) Rope.

3. Bruce Barton points out that it is the ________ of money that is the root of all evil, which makes sense in the book.
(a) Love.
(b) Pain.
(c) Amount.
(d) Truth.

4. William _______ is paraphrased when it is said that man is rich in virtues when he wants to use what he has in a holy manner.
(a) Whitman.
(b) Law.
(c) Manner.
(d) Truth.

5. When we don't hold onto anything, we can _______ without fear of losing our affluence.
(a) Be powerful.
(b) Run away.
(c) Speak our mind.
(d) Be scared.

Short Answer Questions

1. Ivan Illich believes that the world is divided into _______ camps of thought about money and about materialism.

2. ___________ writes in the second century BC that supreme happiness comes from contentment, according to the book.

3. _________ is something that lies within each man, and in the traditional wisdom of mankind, according to the book.

4. Michael Harrington points out that there is virtue in choosing _________ over the desolation of empty abundance.

5. The values that the rich have created have helped to steal the virtuous aspirations of the __________, according to the book.

Short Essay Questions

1. What are some of the downsides to being wealthy, according to this section of the book?

2. What does the invention of free time, as given by mass production, cause a man to do?

3. How does Schumacher define the idea of temperantia within this section of the book?

4. Illich says that the world is divided into two different camps, what are these two camps?

5. What does mass production do to the family, according to the section by Jean Rousseau?

6. What is the ancient concept that has been missing from society for a long time, according to this section?

7. What does Horace Gregory describe money as being, according to his section in the book?

8. How is the poor man separated from the destitute man, according to the book?

9. What is the significance of Fortune stopping the wheel, according to the writing of Boethius?

10. What does Gandhi say is the only true way for mankind to have equality in the world?

(see the answer keys)

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