Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Goldian VandenBroeck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

Goldian VandenBroeck
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Less Is More: The Art of Voluntary Poverty: An Anthology of Ancient and... Lesson Plans
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 8.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. _______ will need to be learned from real life insurgencies that have taken place within the world, according to the book.
(a) Fear.
(b) Anger.
(c) Lessons.
(d) Destruction.

2. ___________ writes in the second century BC that supreme happiness comes from contentment, according to the book.
(a) Plutarch.
(b) Confucius.
(c) Cleopatra.
(d) Patanjali.

3. If wealthy nations were to adhere to _________, the world might have its resources more fairly shared without causing too much harm.
(a) Limited growth.
(b) Zero growth.
(c) Eating less.
(d) Planting more trees.

4. Plutarch is happy that his only ________ is lost at sea because he will be able to live the life of a philosopher.
(a) Book.
(b) Money pouch.
(c) Ship.
(d) Son.

5. Barnfield goes on to use ________ to show the ridiculous nature of man when he wants money in his life.
(a) Images.
(b) Satire.
(c) Rhymes.
(d) Puns.

Short Answer Questions

1. Seneca dismayed that ______ was too easy to remove from the Earth as this might have been the beginning of the downfall of man.

2. Gandhi calls the process of getting rid of what he owned a removal of a _________ from his shoulders, according to the book.

3. What is NOT listed as one of the world's new teachers in relation to materialism, according to the book?

4. William James believes that the fear of _________ is the worst moral disease that society has encountered.

5. ________ does not limit how much is built on the lands or how many fish are taken from the waters, according to the book.

(see the answer key)

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