Les Liaisons Dangereuses Test | Final Test - Medium

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Les Liaisons Dangereuses Test | Final Test - Medium

Pierre Choderlos de Laclos
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 187 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Merteuil increase sympathy for herself?
(a) She keeps quiet and the mystery deepens.
(b) She asserts that Prévan robbed her.
(c) She claims to have been raped.
(d) She pretends to be ill.

2. Why has Merteuil never remarried?
(a) She wants to retain independent control of her fortune.
(b) She is averse to the idea of belonging to one man.
(c) She never meets anyone, but boring old men.
(d) She dislikes anyone having the right to complain about her behavior.

3. Valmont asserts that a girl who has no respect for her mother will what?
(a) Have no self-respect, either.
(b) Have a moral mindset.
(c) Have concerns about sex.
(d) Have no idea what love is about.

4. What does Valmont instruct his valet to do in Paris?
(a) Enlist the help of Danceny in seducing Madame de Tourvel.
(b) Pretend to be in love with Madame de Tourvel.
(c) Beg to Merteuil for help on Valmont's behalf.
(d) Spy on Madame de Tourvel.

5. What event not directly described in the novel weighs heavily on Merteuil's mind?
(a) The death of one of Merteuil's close relatives.
(b) A lawsuit involving her.
(c) A devastating fire in a wealthy area of Paris.
(d) Her planned travels across the Continent.

Short Answer Questions

1. By letter 148, whom has Danceny taken as a lover?

2. Upon what does Valmont blame the incident which causes Madame de Tourvel to think Valmont does not love her?

3. How does Madame de Rosemonde learn of Madame de Tourvel's death?

4. To whom does Valmont write to ask about seeing Madame de Tourvel?

5. What news does Bertrand bring to Madame de Rosemonde?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Valmont manipulate Cécile and Danceny's relationship?

2. What subterfuge does Valmont suggest to Cécile in order to get Danceny's letters to her?

3. What news of Valmont does Madame de Rosemonde give Madame de Tourvel, and how does Madame de Tourvel react?

4. Describe what Valmont does when he gets the key to Cécile's room.

5. How does Madame de Volanges respond to Cécile's depression?

6. Describe Merteuil's end in the novel.

7. What arguments does Valmont use to convince Madame de Tourvel to see him?

8. What is the general content of the letter Azolan, Valmont's valet, writes to Valmont?

9. What is the content and tone of Danceny's letters to Merteuil?

10. What happens between Valmont and Madame de Tourvel that shocks and angers Valmont, and why does he react so strongly?

(see the answer keys)

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