Leonardo da Vinci Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Leonardo da Vinci Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 159 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the mid-1490s, Leonardo halted his study of anatomy, and would not return to the subject for how many years?
(a) 20.
(b) 5.
(c) 10.
(d) 30.

2. Leonardo's first version of the painting Virgin of the Rocks is housed in what museum?
(a) The Smithsonian.
(b) The Louvre.
(c) Musée des Troupes de Montagne.
(d) Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie.

3. Visual perception occurs along the entire area of what part of the eye?
(a) The vitreous humor.
(b) The retina.
(c) The pupil.
(d) The iris.

4. From whom did Isabella borrow a portrait by Leonardo so that she could decide which artist should paint her portrait?
(a) Lucrezia Borgia.
(b) Salai.
(c) Ludovico Borgia.
(d) Cecilia Gallerina.

5. According to Walter Isaacson, what was the paramount theme in Leonardo's art?
(a) The contrast between love and hate.
(b) Religious zeal.
(c) Familial connections.
(d) The spiritual connection between the earth and humans.

Short Answer Questions

1. During Savonarola's rule of Florence, a militia of what was organized to police the streets and to enforce moral righteousness?

2. Leonardo insisted that all boundaries within both art and nature were what?

3. When Leonardo made an inventory of clothes he had stored inside a trunk, whose clothes were listed as being intermingled with his own?

4. Leonardo's packing list for his journey to enter the service of Cesare Borgia did NOT include which of the following items?

5. The most basic anatomical knowledge for a painter is the study of what?

Short Essay Questions

1. What are the two possibilities concerning the angel's identity within the painting Virgin of the Rocks?

2. What was the event known as the Bonfire of the Vanities?

3. When Leonardo returned to Florence in 1500, how had Florence changed in the time he had been away?

4. How did Leonardo use his knowledge of geology to inform his painting of Virgin of the Rocks?

5. What is the significance of the inventory Leonardo made of a trunk of clothing sometime between 1500 and 1506?

6. Though Leonardo had completed the central part of his painting Saint Anne by 1503, he did not give it to the party who had commissioned it. What did he do with it instead?

7. What evidence does Walter Isaacson provide for his claim that much of Leonardo's thinking was collegial?

8. What were the two colors most favored by Leonardo in the tailoring of both his clothes and the clothes of Salai?

9. How does Walter Isaacson link the qualities of genius and the qualities of obsession within the chapter about Leonardo's first round of anatomy studies?

10. What was the cause of Friar Savonarola's death and when did it occur?

(see the answer keys)

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