Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Remnick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lenin's Tomb: The Last Days of the Soviet Empire Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

David Remnick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 151 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who succeeded Brezhnev?
(a) Brodsky.
(b) Sakharov.
(c) Gorbachev.
(d) Andropov.

2. In 1989 when the people were to vote for the new Congress of People's Deputies, who wanted sovereignty?
(a) Magadan.
(b) Siberia.
(c) Moscow.
(d) The Baltic republics.

3. When did Remnick move to Moscow?
(a) May, 1988.
(b) January 1987.
(c) January 1988.
(d) March 1990.

4. Remnick saw a man with no legs on his way to the Lenin Library. How was the man getting around?
(a) Using a wagon.
(b) Using crutches.
(c) Pushing himself on a dolly cart.
(d) Using a wheelchair.

5. Who did Stalin blame for the murders of Polish military officers in the 1940s?
(a) The Poles.
(b) The French.
(c) The Czechs.
(d) The Nazis.

6. What young socialist from Philadelphia came to the Soviet Union in 1932?
(a) Thomas Davidson.
(b) John Scott.
(c) George Bernard Shaw.
(d) Robert Eichelberger.

7. What did both Lenin and Stalin use to advertise the Revolution?
(a) Newspapers.
(b) Books.
(c) Cinema.
(d) Speeches.

8. What did Brezhnev want from the Uzbeks?
(a) Steel.
(b) Tobacco.
(c) Water.
(d) Cotton.

9. Who betrayed Aleksandr Medvedev?
(a) Anatoly Kapustin.
(b) Yuri Kukushkin.
(c) Nikolai Petrakov.
(d) Boris Chagin.

10. Why did the letter that was published March 13 in Sovetskaya Rossiya also run in newspapers across the country?
(a) The provincial editors approved of the message.
(b) Gorbachev ordered them to run it.
(c) The provincial editors were afraid not to run it.
(d) Yakovlev ordered them to run it.

11. What made Remnick realize that the threats against the Jews in 1988 were serious?
(a) When his apartment was broken into.
(b) When he found a Y for Yid on his car door.
(c) When he heard that a cemetery had been vandalized.
(d) When the KGB threatened his wife.

12. Where did Gorbachev grow up?
(a) Moscow.
(b) Irkutsk.
(c) Murmansk.
(d) Stavropol.

13. What textbook did Stalin supervise and have fifty million copies published?
(a) Determinist History.
(b) Let History Judge.
(c) Short Course.
(d) History of the Communist Party.

14. Where did Stalin study?
(a) Scientific Industrial Union.
(b) A Russian orthodox seminary.
(c) Military Collegium.
(d) Historical Archives Institute.

15. Where did the people at Spasskaya get their food?
(a) Buy it in Ashkhabad.
(b) Buy it in Vologda.
(c) Grow it in their garden plots.
(d) Grow it on the collective.

Short Answer Questions

1. How did Yeryomenko learn to speak excellent English?

2. How did the regime support itself under Brezhnev, Andropov, and Chernenko?

3. What was the news on August 19, 1991?

4. In 1974, who was the first man forcibly exiled from the Soviet Union since Trotsky?

5. What group threatened the Jews in Leningrad, Moscow, and Novosibirsk?

(see the answer keys)

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