Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Gawaine tell Arthur?
(a) He tells Arthur that Launcelot wants to take the throne.
(b) Gawaine tells Arthur about Guenever and Launcelot's affair.
(c) He tells Arthur he suspects Guenever is dishonoring him.
(d) He tells Arthur Guenever killed a man.

2. What is Percivale's greatest sin?
(a) Having kissed a married woman.
(b) Having killed an innocent man.
(c) Having stolen from his parents.
(d) Having had sex with a virgin.

3. Who does Lionel murder?
(a) A sorceress.
(b) An innocent man.
(c) A priest.
(d) A priestess.

4. What does the Lion in Percivale's dream mean?
(a) It is the justness and fairness inside of him.
(b) Something bad will happen soon.
(c) It is the evil inside of him.
(d) The ressurected Lord.

5. How does Arthur react to the situation?
(a) He kills anyone who accuses his wife of murder.
(b) He sends her away to protect her.
(c) He says she cannot be tried because she is his wife.
(d) He does not help his wife because he believes everyone should be treated equally.

6. Who ends up eating the apple?
(a) Sir Agravaine eats the apple.
(b) Pinel loses the apple.
(c) Guenever eats the apple.
(d) Patrise eats the apple and dies.

7. How old is King Evelake?
(a) 50 years old.
(b) 85 years old.
(c) 100 years old.
(d) 300 years old.

8. Who are Galahad's parents?
(a) Morgan le Fat and Lancelot.
(b) Lancelot and Elaine.
(c) Morgan le Fay and Arthur.
(d) Elaine and Gawaine.

9. When Lancelot is declared missing, who goes to find him?
(a) Gawaine.
(b) Galahad and Percivale.
(c) Percivale and Aglovale.
(d) Merlin.

10. Why is there blood in the Queens bed the next morning?
(a) The queen was pregnant and miscarried.
(b) Launcelot broke through iron bars to her window and cut his hand.
(c) The queen had a cut on her arm from the earlier battler.
(d) It wasn't blood, but red wine.

11. What does he find on the ship?
(a) A book of legends.
(b) A sword that can maim if just touched.
(c) A lion.
(d) His enemies ready to kill him.

12. What does the Queen do to protect her knights?
(a) The Queen goes willingly with Meliagraunce.
(b) She does nothing and watches as they all die.
(c) She pulls out a sword and stabs Meliagraunce.
(d) She runs back to the castle to get help.

13. What object appears in the river?
(a) A boat filled with treasure.
(b) A sword encased in stone.
(c) An enchanced mirror.
(d) A treasure box filled with gold.

14. Who saves Percivale from dying?
(a) Gawaine.
(b) Galahad.
(c) Arthur.
(d) Guenever.

15. What will happen if the Grail appears in Camelot?
(a) The Roundtable will become stronger.
(b) The Roundtable will be destroyed.
(c) Merlin will disappear.
(d) Arthur will lose his throne.

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the brothers do to Lancelot?

2. What is Guevener's reaction to Launcelot?

3. When Lancelot is declared mad, how is he cured?

4. How does Galahad fail his virtue test?

5. Who ambushes the Queen when she is out for a spring outing in the forest with ten of her knights?

(see the answer keys)

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