Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Le Morte d'Arthur Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the child Mordred's fate?
(a) He is kidnapped by the Lady of the Lake.
(b) He is kidnapped by Arthur.
(c) The child is killed.
(d) The child becomes king.

2. Does Gareth let the beheaded knight go?
(a) Yes. But tells him to never come back.
(b) No. He beheads him again and cuts his head up into little pieces.
(c) Yes. He lets him leave peacefully.
(d) No. He kills him and ships his body into the sea.

3. Who is the pure knight that is able to remove a noble swords from its scabbard?
(a) Gawaine.
(b) Balin le Savage.
(c) Balan.
(d) Lanceor.

4. Who does Arthur fight?
(a) Accalon.
(b) Gawaine.
(c) Merlin.
(d) King Pellinore.

5. Why is Lanceor jealous of Balin?
(a) Because Balin is allowed to sit at the Round Table and Lanceor is not.
(b) Lanceor is jealous because Balin wins the sword.
(c) Because Balin is a better knight.
(d) Lanceor is jealous because Balin is with the woman Lanceor loves.

6. Does he give the ambassadors the money they ask for?
(a) He does so immediately.
(b) He waits until they prove their loyalty.
(c) Yes he does, but with very strict conditions, and with interest.
(d) No he does not.

7. How does Tor become a knight?
(a) His father sends him to the court. Then the court finds out that he is King Pellinore's son.
(b) Tor fights another knight in the woods and is knighted when it turns up that the knight was evil.
(c) He enters in a jousting match and wins.
(d) Tor asks Arthur if he can join the Round Table.

8. What is the quota that Arthur needs to meet for the Roundtable?
(a) 200 Knights.
(b) 150 Knights.
(c) 2000 Knights.
(d) 1500 Knights.

9. From where are the twelve ambassadors that come to ask Arthur for money and allegiance?
(a) China.
(b) Rome.
(c) The Vatican.
(d) Spain.

10. Who writes love letters to La Beale Isoud after she and Tristram get back together?
(a) King Mark.
(b) Kehydius.
(c) A lonely knight.
(d) Arthur.

11. Who does Gareth start a fight with after leaving for Arthur's feast?
(a) Merlin.
(b) Linet.
(c) Gawaine, his brother.
(d) Launcelot.

12. What does Pellinore do when his horse is killed?
(a) He kills both men.
(b) He kills the knight who killed his horse and gets a new horse from the second knight.
(c) He runs and hides in the bushes.
(d) He takes another man's horse.

13. What does Morgan le Fay send to Arthur as an apology?
(a) She sends him a chalice.
(b) She does not send anything, rather curses him for his win.
(c) She sends him a cloak with precious stones.
(d) She sends a handwritten note.

14. Who is the damsel in distress?
(a) Pellinore's daughter.
(b) Pellinore's sister.
(c) Arthur's cousin.
(d) Lancelot's lover.

15. King Anguis is the king of...?
(a) Ireland.
(b) Scottland.
(c) Spain.
(d) England.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Tristram want of King Mark?

2. Who or what does Launcelot battle to free the ladies inside of castle Tintagel?

3. What type of creature does Arthur do battle with once he is on land?

4. The Lady of the Lake does not trust the gift that Morgan le Fay has sent. What does she advise Arthur to do?

5. Why does Sir Segwarides' wife not choose Tristram when he goes to find her?

(see the answer keys)

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