Lemonade Mouth: Adapted Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark Peter Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lemonade Mouth: Adapted Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Final Test - Medium

Mark Peter Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Lemonade Mouth: Adapted Movie Tie-in Edition Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Stella say has been banished to the basement?
(a) Lemonade Mouth.
(b) Mrs. Reznik.
(c) Olivia.
(d) The freaky kids.

2. How have AV club helped out Lemonade Mouth?
(a) They have recorded a CD.
(b) They have organized another gig for Lemonade Mouth.
(c) They have arranged a record producer to watch their next show.
(d) They have have stopped talking to Mudslide Crush.

3. What does Wen wish he had?
(a) A beamer.
(b) A guitar.
(c) Tickets for the Smiths.
(d) A time machine.

4. What aspect of Olivia does Wen think is eloquent?
(a) Her silence.
(b) Her smile.
(c) Her laugh.
(d) Her voice.

5. Where have the students printed Olivia's face?
(a) On bedsheets.
(b) On the postcards.
(c) On posters.
(d) On t-shirts.

Short Answer Questions

1. What are the lyrics painted on the bed's sheet?

2. How does Ray Beech ruin the gig?

3. What are Wen and the others trying to identify sitting on Olivia's flat roof?

4. Who states that the Halloween Bash was a memorable experience?

5. What does the graffiti at the school say?

Short Essay Questions

1. What feedback does Lemonade Mouth get from the students about their Halloween show?

2. How does Charlie burn himself?

3. What is Andrea Beckham's opinion of Lemonade Mouth?

4. What political point does Mel make during the performance?

5. What is Mrs. Rezniks's view of the Lemonmouth's performance?

6. How does Seth describe Lemonade Mouth before their performance?

7. Describe the band's prison visit.

8. What does Olivia scream Wen when he refuses to perform?

9. How did Olivia's father end up in prison?

10. How does Wen's family react to hearing Wen's song on the radio?

(see the answer keys)

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