Lemonade Mouth: Adapted Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark Peter Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lemonade Mouth: Adapted Movie Tie-in Edition Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Mark Peter Hughes
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the Lemonade Mouth: Adapted Movie Tie-in Edition Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Mr. Pritchard give Wen a detention?
(a) For swearing.
(b) For laughing.
(c) For sleeping.
(d) For screaming.

2. What is Wen's father's girlfriend's name?
(a) Lauren.
(b) Petra.
(c) Sydney.
(d) Daisy.

3. Olivia's father is in prison for ____________.
(a) Robbery.
(b) Tax evasion.
(c) Murder.
(d) Rape.

4. What instrument does Wen play?
(a) Trumpret.
(b) Violin.
(c) Trombone.
(d) Clarinet.

5. What kind of glasses does Wen's father wear?
(a) Plastic rims.
(b) Wire rims.
(c) Vespas.
(d) Pilots.

6. What does Mo call her step siblings?
(a) Bill and Ben.
(b) Flunkys.
(c) Step monkeys.
(d) Steps Stops.

7. What is Wendel's surname?
(a) Beatbox.
(b) Jackson.
(c) Gifford.
(d) Hotman.

8. What is the name of Charlie's dead brother?
(a) Aaron.
(b) Lucas.
(c) Philip.
(d) Daniel.

9. What kind of movies does Naomi like watching with Mo and her family?
(a) British movies.
(b) Hollywood movies.
(c) French movies.
(d) Bollywood movies.

10. On what country does Wen have to give a presentation?
(a) Hungary.
(b) Bolivia.
(c) Russia.
(d) Romania.

11. What does Stella tell her family she is about to join at school?
(a) A band.
(b) A revolution.
(c) A chain gang.
(d) A riot.

12. Where does Mo go with Scott Pickett in this section?
(a) A house party.
(b) A beach party.
(c) A restaurant.
(d) A disco.

13. How does Scott react when Mo tells him she is the band with Stella?
(a) Tells her he will destroy her band.
(b) Walks away.
(c) Tells her to quit.
(d) Announces the break up of his band.

14. What is Naomi's surname?
(a) Eldorado.
(b) Davis.
(c) Erlanger.
(d) Fishmeier.

15. By what name does Mo call her father?
(a) Papa.
(b) Meenie.
(c) Baba.
(d) Beenie.

Short Answer Questions

1. Whom does Wen describe as clean cut as they came?

2. Why does Charlie think it is sad to see the back of the lemonade machine?

3. What does Stella tell her mother it is easier to get than permission?

4. What instrument does Charlie imagine Olivia vomiting all over?

5. What does the note say?

(see the answer keys)

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