The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 106 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What item of Ichabod's is found the day after the Van Tassel's party near horse tracks?
(a) His hat.
(b) His school papers.
(c) His Bible.
(d) His purse.

2. What is the real name of Tarry Town?
(a) Tarry Towne.
(b) Sleepy Hollow.
(c) Taleguh.
(d) Greensburgh.

3. What destination does Ichabod hope to reach as he races from his pursuer?
(a) The bridge.
(b) The church.
(c) The cemetery.
(d) The farm.

4. At the beginning of the story, the papers are found amongst whose belongings?
(a) A dead man.
(b) A letter to the court.
(c) Van Tassel's will.
(d) Ichabod Crane's belongings.

5. What does Ichabod do when his is frightened?
(a) He shouts.
(b) He sings.
(c) He prays.
(d) He eats.

6. Who is the favorite spectre of Sleepy Hollow?
(a) Wailing women.
(b) The ghost.
(c) The Headless Horseman.
(d) Zombie.

7. What does the narrator say lies in Gunpowder's good eye?
(a) Stubborness.
(b) Hatred.
(c) The devil.
(d) Mischief.

8. What animal does the narrator compare to Ichabod's appetite?
(a) An anaconda.
(b) A rabbit.
(c) An elephant.
(d) A bird.

9. How does the narrator describe the farmers' wives at Van Tassel's party?
(a) Warm women full of wisdom.
(b) Withered little dames.
(c) Wives of farmers.
(d) Welcomed grande dames.

10. As Ichabod reaches the bridge, what item does the dark rider throw at him to knock him to the ground?
(a) A dagger.
(b) A ball.
(c) A head.
(d) A letter.

11. A new path leads Ichabod, Gunpowder, and his mysterious rider to what location?
(a) The cemetery.
(b) The schoolhouse.
(c) The church.
(d) A farm.

12. What is the musician at the Van Tassel's party?
(a) A gray-haired elderly man.
(b) Van Ripper.
(c) The preacher.
(d) Brom Bones.

13. According to Old Brouwer, what happens to the Headless Horseman?
(a) He turns into a pumpkin.
(b) He turns into a skeleton.
(c) He disappears.
(d) He captures his head.

14. What else does Ichabod pride himself on besides his singing?
(a) His clothing.
(b) His poetry.
(c) His writing.
(d) His dancing.

15. When is the story published?
(a) 1800.
(b) 1789.
(c) 1819.
(d) 1776.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who founded the area around Sleepy Hollow?

2. After much discussion, what do many of the townspeople believe?

3. Whom does the schoolhouse and its furniture belong?

4. What happens to Ichabod's heart as he eats at the Van Tassel's party?

5. What landmark is named after Major Andre?

(see the answer keys)

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