Legends of the Fall Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Legends of the Fall Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Each of the people in Nordstrom's life has his own views about Nordstrom's mid-life crisis. Are any of them able to convince him to change his plans?
(a) No.
(b) Only at first.
(c) Almost.
(d) Yes.

2. A tall black man named Slats and his Italian friend named Berto come in and do what?
(a) Steal from the party goers.
(b) Threaten Laura.
(c) Yell at Nordstrom.
(d) Grab Sarah.

3. What poet does Isabel invite for dinner?
(a) Emily Dickinson.
(b) John Ashbery.
(c) Amy Lowell.
(d) Ralph Waldo Emerson.

4. For what is Susannah waiting that helps her improve again?
(a) The birth of a child.
(b) Alfred's return in the spring.
(c) Spring, when she will be with Tristan again.
(d) Winter, when she will be with Tristan again.

5. Captain Ludlow makes Tristan cooperate with the British war mission for what reason?
(a) So they can get a new ship.
(b) So they can keep the ship.
(c) So they will be paid.
(d) So they will survive.

Short Answer Questions

1. Tristan and Susannah marry before Samuel's funeral against whose wishes?

2. After the graduation reception, Nordstrom tries to give Sonia what?

3. Nordstrom takes Sonia and Philip to see who?

4. Where does Nordstrom follow Laura, where she and Sarah have been making frequent trips to snort cocaine?

5. Nordstrom walks from Brookline to Cambridge for what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How does Alfred feel about Susannah? Does she feel the same in return?

2. How does Tristan receive the ship back from the British?

3. What happens once Alfred arrives?

4. What does Tristan do when Susannah says she plans on killing herself? How does this affect her?

5. What takes place directly after Sonia's graduation?

6. What does Nordstrom do with his money?

7. How does Tristan play a role in Susannah's suicide?

8. What takes place when most of the people have left the dinner?

9. How does Ludlow feel after allowing the boys to go to war?

10. Why does Ludlow send One Stab to Helena?

(see the answer keys)

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