Legend Test | Final Test - Medium

Marie Lu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 236 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Legend Test | Final Test - Medium

Marie Lu
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 236 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Kaede get June's attention outside the bar in Alta sector?
(a) She sends a local child with a message.
(b) She whistles one of Lincoln's anthems.
(c) She tips over a tall metal bin.
(d) She throws a knife at her.

2. What is Day's mother's name?
(a) Mercy Wing.
(b) Grace Wing.
(c) Hope Wing.
(d) Dawn Wing.

3. Where do the soldiers take Day after his leg is operated on?
(a) The roof of Batalla Hall.
(b) An interrogation room.
(c) The platform in front of Batalla Hall.
(d) His cell.

4. How does Day find out that John was executed in his place?
(a) From the Patriots.
(b) From June.
(c) From a JumboTron announcement.
(d) From Tess.

5. What does June's refusal to recite the pledge on page 250 show about her?
(a) Her feelings about the Republic have changed.
(b) Her thoughts are so distracting that she has tuned out her environment.
(c) She is the kind of person who struggles to obey authority.
(d) She is the kind of person whose behavior changes when no one is watching.

Short Answer Questions

1. What dangerous natural event takes place in this final section of the book?

2. At the ball that June attends, what is everyone talking about?

3. What makes June pull away from Thomas when he touches her on the arm at the ball?

4. As June is leaving the interrogation room where Day is held after his arrest, what one question does Day stop her to ask?

5. What secret does Metias reveal about the plague patrols?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does June notice happening at the protest that causes her to fear for the protesters' safety?

2. When Day asks June "Is she alive?" about whom is he talking, and what does June's reply make him think is probably true (171)?

3. When June visits him on the rooftop, what arguments does Day give her for believing that the Republic is deliberately spreading the plague?

4. When June is fleeing from Thomas, what does he tell her, and what is her reply?

5. Why does Day find himself almost looking forward to his execution?

6. Explain why June throws her water glass against the wall and shatters it.

7. Describe the code that Metias leaves for June.

8. In Day's dream, what happens with the street policeman?

9. Why does John have to sacrifice himself for Day?

10. What conflicting emotions does Day have about June when she walks into the interrogation room?

(see the answer keys)

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