The Left Hand of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

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The Left Hand of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which picture offends the king when Genly shows it to him?
(a) A picture of the supreme leader of the Ekumen.
(b) A picture of a fellow Gethenian.
(c) A picture of a male from Earth.
(d) A picture of a female from Cime.

2. Do Gethenians become pregnant as males, or as females?
(a) Males.
(b) Females.
(c) Gethenians don't experience pregnancy.
(d) Either gender can become pregnant.

3. Where does the second Estraven in Chapter 9 (Estraven II) wind up after his failed hunting trip?
(a) The home of Therem of Stok.
(b) Falling into Icefoot Lake and drowning.
(c) Back home in Estre.
(d) Dying in the wilderness, with his body eaten by wild beasts.

4. Who finds Getheren on the ninth day after he leaves his homeland?
(a) Hode.
(b) The posse sent by the Lord of Hearth.
(c) The people of Orhoch Hearth.
(d) No one; he dies of exposure as a result.

5. What does Estraven do once he learns of his exile?
(a) He attempts to murder Tibe.
(b) He writes to his former kemmering to ask if he can join him in the Orgny Fastness.
(c) He sends a telegram to Genly to ask for his help.
(d) Estraven writes to his former kemmering, telling him to sell certain valuables so that their sons will have money.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Chapter 5 say that Genly has come to Rer?

2. This city is the capital of the nation of Karhide:

3. After he loses his registration due to a change in the Alien Registry Law, what happens to Estraven?

4. What does Genly carry in the case that he brings to his meeting with King Argaven?

5. By the end of Chapter 10, what is Genly starting to realize?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Chapter 3 reveal to us about Genly's nature?

2. What is the nature of the relationship between Estraven and Tibe, and why?

3. After the reception for Genly is called off, what is the advice Estraven gives to him?

4. The Pering Ice and Gobrin Ice are mentioned in Chapter 2. What significance does this have?

5. What is the only question that Faxe tells Genly can really be answered?

6. What is the date of the parade?

7. When Getheren 'took back his name and shadow,' what effect did it have on Shath and why?

8. Is Estraven's loyalty to Karhide, or is it to Orgoreyn?

9. With what does this story say that Lord Berosty is obsessed with?

10. Is the information presented in Chapter 7 presented as fact, or as the investigator's opinion?

(see the answer keys)

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