The Left Hand of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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The Left Hand of Darkness Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What, in the report documented in Chapter 7, does the Investigator say is an "appalling experience?"
(a) Being judged as a human.
(b) Watching a Gethenian give birth.
(c) Having sex with a Gethenian.
(d) Being judged as a Gethenian.

2. Where does Estraven find employment in his new home?
(a) He remains unemployed and dependent on charity.
(b) He lives on a commune and helps with field labor and gardening.
(c) He works as an orderly in the hospital.
(d) He works in the ice-houses, packing fish.

3. What important concept is brought up again in Chapter 10?
(a) Honesty and genuineness.
(b) Death and life.
(c) Facade and veneer.
(d) Love and betrayal.

4. What is the nineteenth day of the month known as?
(a) Charuthe.
(b) Osdreth.
(c) The nineteenth day.
(d) Thangering.

5. What is the origin of the story told in Chapter 4?
(a) Orogeyn.
(b) West Karhide.
(c) East Karhide.
(d) Gethen.

6. By the end of Chapter 10, what is Genly starting to realize?
(a) He's starting to realize that his initial impressions were accurate and that Orgoreyn is much more advanced and civilized than Karhide.
(b) He's starting to realize that something's not quite right; Orgoreyn isn't as it appears.
(c) He's starting to realize that his first impressions were wrong and that Karhide is much more advanced and civilized than Orgoreyn.
(d) He's starting to realize that the secret police, not the King, are running Karhide.

7. When Genly finally gets to Mishnory, whom does he find there?
(a) Estraven.
(b) Prime Minister Tibe.
(c) Ashe.
(d) King Argaven.

8. Where does the story in Chapter 2 take place?
(a) The Hearth of Orhoch.
(b) Orgoreyn.
(c) Karhide.
(d) The Hearth of Shath.

9. What happens to Estraven when he tries to leave Kuseben by boat?
(a) The boat sinks and he drowns.
(b) Nothing happens; he successfully escapes and lands at Shelt Port in Orgoreyn.
(c) He is shot by a sonic gun, then rescued by a harbor patrol ship.
(d) He is shot by a sonic gun, and is captured by Tibe's forces.

10. Why does Chapter 5 say that Genly has come to Rer?
(a) He is discouraged after his failed meeting with the King and needs a break.
(b) He wishes to visit a nearby fastness and learn about what Foretellers do.
(c) He is looking for a job.
(d) He wants to live on a commune.

11. What does Lord Berosty do after receiving his Foretelling?
(a) He commits suicide immediately.
(b) He decides to live life to the fullest and starts living like a daredevil.
(c) He returns to one of his family domains and locks himself in the Hearth-Tower for ten months.
(d) He kills his kemmering.

12. What is the primary conflict in Chapter 2 that sets its events in motion?
(a) Two hearths go to war against each other.
(b) Two brothers are commanded to vow kemmering.
(c) Two brothers are exiled.
(d) Two brothers are commanded to break their kemmering vow.

13. What happens to Getheren on the third morning after his departure from his homeland?
(a) His hands and feet are frostbitten.
(b) He finds shelter in an abandoned hunting camp.
(c) He is rescued and granted asylum by his rescuers.
(d) He commits suicide.

14. On what day of the month is Genly allowed to visit the Nine Foretellers and ask his question?
(a) Onnetherhad, the 18th.
(b) Odstreth, the 18th.
(c) Odstreth, the 19th.
(d) Onnetherhad, the 19th.

15. Why does Genly return to Erhenrang in Chapter 8 after spending his summer on the Eastern Coast?
(a) He doesn't want to spend the winter in Old Karhide.
(b) He wants to warn the King about Tibe.
(c) He wants to be present for the birth of the King's child.
(d) He wants to plead Estraven's case.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the bridge on the river Ey?

2. When baby Therem (also called Estraven) grows up, what happens to him?

3. Who tells Getheren that he is in danger of suicide?

4. What does Genly think the reason for Tibe's frequent radio appearances is?

5. What are the important themes of Chapter 2?

(see the answer keys)

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