The Left Hand of Darkness Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

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The Left Hand of Darkness Quiz | Eight Week Quiz E

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 14, The Escape.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During his stay at the farm where Genly is being held, Estraven goes into a state of increased strength called:
(a) Dothe.
(b) Insanity.
(c) Starvation.
(d) Kemmer.

2. Why does Berosty kill his kemmering after his return from Thangering Fastness and Weaver Odren?
(a) He didn't ask *when* Lord Berosty would die, but *how long* Lord Berosty would live.
(b) Berosty didn't want his kemmering to approach Weaver Odren, and the kemmering had disobeyed his orders.
(c) The kemmering didn't ask *how long* Lord Berosty would live, but instead *when* Lord Berosty would die.
(d) Berosty discovered his partner had broken kemmering.

3. What does Estraven do once he learns of his exile?
(a) He sends a telegram to Genly to ask for his help.
(b) Estraven writes to his former kemmering, telling him to sell certain valuables so that their sons will have money.
(c) He writes to his former kemmering to ask if he can join him in the Orgny Fastness.
(d) He attempts to murder Tibe.

4. Could the Foretellers answer the Lord of Shorth's question? What happened?
(a) Yes; they knew the answer, but refused to give it to him.
(b) No; they clubbed him to death to get out of answering it.
(c) Yes; however, the answer was never recorded and is lost to history.
(d) No; they said no one could possibly know that answer.

5. What answer (in part) does the king receive?
(a) I do not know what makes a man a traitor.
(b) I want Gethen to join the Ekumen to promote universal peace and harmony.
(c) I sent Genly to you to ask your nation to join the Ekumen.
(d) I do not know what makes a man loyal.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Getheren leaves Orhoch, what name does he travel under?

2. What name does Estraven give the man who rescues him?

3. What do the Commensals want to do with the information Genly gives to them during lunch?

4. What name does Estraven give to the doctor while he is in the hospital?

5. What is the Gethenians' sexual orientation, according to Chapter 3?

(see the answer key)

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