The Left Hand of Darkness Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Left Hand of Darkness Quiz | One Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 156 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 15, To the Ice.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How far is Rer from Karhide?
(a) 110 miles.
(b) 11 miles.
(c) 1,100 miles.
(d) 11,000 miles.

2. When Estraven finishes calculating the rations for their winter journey, what parameters does he establish?
(a) Considering the distance is 400 miles, traveling at a rate of 12 miles a day, they have enough rations for 30 days.
(b) Considering the trip is 800 miles, and traveling at a rate of 12 miles a day, they have enough rations for 78 days.
(c) Considering the distance is 400 miles, and they need to travel at a rate of 21 miles a day, they have enough rations for 30 days.
(d) Considering the distance is 800 miles, traveling at a rate of 21 miles a day, they have enough rations for 78 days.

3. Could the Foretellers answer the Lord of Shorth's question? What happened?
(a) Yes; they knew the answer, but refused to give it to him.
(b) No; they said no one could possibly know that answer.
(c) No; they clubbed him to death to get out of answering it.
(d) Yes; however, the answer was never recorded and is lost to history.

4. Why, after Estraven's successful pesthry hunt, does it become more difficult for him and Genly to travel for the next several days?
(a) The weather changes from snow to rain, turning the snow to mush.
(b) The sledge breaks down and everything on it has be be carried by hand.
(c) A blizzard begins, lasting nine days.
(d) Genly has constant diarrhea because the pesthry didn't agree with him.

5. What religion are the Foretellers?
(a) Handdarata.
(b) Yomesh.
(c) Orgota.
(d) Karhidish.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who wants to bring the ship to Orgota?

2. Shortly after his arrival in Orgoreyn, Genly is invited to lunch with Commensals Obsle and Yegey. What information does Genly divulge to his hosts during this luncheon?

3. What does Genly learn during his lunch with the local politicians?

4. What significance does the Sarf have for Genly?

5. What is the price Genly is charged for an audience with the Foretellers?

(see the answer key)

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