Name: _________________________ | Period: ___________________ |
This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.
Short Answer Questions
1. What is the first plate of food that the women receive after two days in hiding?
2. Beyond being well-mannered and virtuous, what do Immaculee's parents expect of her?
3. What is placed in front of the door to the bathroom before the killers make their second search of the home?
4. What is the name of the pastor with whom she goes to stay at the end of "No Going Back"?
5. What is the name of the Hutu who protects Immaculee from the crowd at the end of "No Going back"?
Short Essay Questions
1. What struggle does Immaculee encounter when the pastor tells her that Augustine and Vianney could not stay at his house?
2. How does Immaculee finally make the transition from the private high school to the public high school?
3. Who makes up the populace of the Rwandese Patriotic Front, or RPF?
4. What exchange do Leonard and Immaculee make, and why is it significant?
5. What characterizes Immaculee's life at the University?
6. How do Immaculee's parents set a good communal example for her and her brothers?
7. Why is Immaculee's father arrested and how is he treated?
8. How does Leonard react to finding 2,000 refugees from the slaughter of the Interahamwe outside his home?
9. Why is Damascene downcast during Immaculee's return home at Easter?
10. How does Immaculee, while traveling to a wedding with Damascene, pass by the Interahamwe roadblock?
Essay Topics
Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:
Essay Topic 1
Throughout the story of Left to Tell, and sometimes amid the very worst of the horrors, Immaculee recounts instances of great generosity and charity. Discuss the significance of such benevolence in the midst of tragedy in a well-developed analytical essay. Why are some people still so generous? What does this indicate about such people? How does generosity breed more generosity? How is charity similar? How does charity affect those who are its recipients? How does it affect society as a whole? What roles do generosity and charity play in both the events during the holocaust and immediately following it?
Essay Topic 2
For Immaculee's survival, as well as the survival of the other seven Tutsi women she shares the bathroom with, no human person can be given more credit than Pastor Murinzi. Yet he is not a perfect person during the genocide. Examine the conflict which tears at the pastor and how he reacts to it, in a thoughtful and insightful analytical essay. What risks does the pastor take on behalf of the women? What risks does he not take? What is significant about the length of the risk he takes? What would have happened to the pastor had he been found out? What would have happened to the pastor had he turned the women away? What is shown about the moral character of the pastor through his actions during the genocide?
Essay Topic 3
A significant portion of what enables the Hutu government to enact the genocide is a constant, consistent, and habitual pattern of discrimination against the Tutsi. Discuss the effects of this discriminatory pattern in a thoughtful analytical essay. In what particular ways are the Tutsi discriminated against? How does this progressively lower their status in Hutu eyes? What respect is had for someone against whom there is habitual discrimination? In what ways are the Tutsi immediately affected by the discriminatory practices against them? How are they ultimately affected by them?
This section contains 944 words (approx. 4 pages at 300 words per page) |