Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest Test | Final Test - Easy

Beck Weathers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest Test | Final Test - Easy

Beck Weathers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Between what two points of view does Chapter 13 switch?
(a) Beck and his daughter.
(b) Beck and Rob Hall.
(c) Peach and Beck.
(d) Beck and his son.

2. Why did Beck run out of food on his second major climb?
(a) Several of their meals got soaked and spoiled.
(b) They dropped a pack down a crevasse.
(c) He was stuck at base camp due to a storm.
(d) They did not plan on needing so much food.

3. What did Peach and the family think of Beck when he came home from a climb?
(a) He wasn't really part of the family.
(b) He did not know them.
(c) He was being overly enthusiastic about the family.
(d) He missed the main reasons to climb.

4. With whom did Beck feel competitive when he started dating Peach?
(a) Howard.
(b) Peach's mother and grandmother.
(c) No one.
(d) Dan.

5. On what did Peach count on when she was thinking about divorce?
(a) Beck's generosity.
(b) Her friends' support.
(c) Her parents' support.
(d) Her children's support.

6. What is Peach's real name?
(a) Margaret Wade.
(b) Patricia Olson.
(c) Margaret Olson.
(d) Patricia Wade.

7. To whom did Peach turn to for comfort after Muffin died?
(a) Her new cat.
(b) Beck.
(c) Meg.
(d) Her best friend.

8. How did Beck choose the mountains he climbed?
(a) By their guide's reputation.
(b) The height.
(c) The remoteness.
(d) Whether it was dangerous.

9. Where was Beck born?
(a) Mississippi.
(b) Alabama.
(c) Georgia.
(d) Florida.

10. What did Beck forget to do for their wedding night?
(a) Reserve a taxi.
(b) Bring the ring.
(c) Bring the airline tickets.
(d) Reserve a room.

11. Who attended the meal with Beck and other climbers on the summit of Mount Elbrus?
(a) Prostitutes.
(b) No one.
(c) Some Russian soldiers.
(d) Some Polish factory workers.

12. What did Peach feel about her nickname later in her marriage?
(a) It made Beck happy.
(b) It was a part of losing her own identity.
(c) It kept her feeling connected to her home roots.
(d) It made her feel as though no one took her seriously.

13. Why did Beck try different challenges in the early years of his marriage?
(a) Unhappiness in his marriage.
(b) He had a lot of vacation.
(c) His brother challeneged him to do so.
(d) Harold challenged him to do so.

14. What did Peach major in during college?
(a) English.
(b) Physical education.
(c) Political science.
(d) Nursing.

15. Who is Howard?
(a) Beck's cousin.
(b) Peach's cousin.
(c) Peach's older brother.
(d) Beck's brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What did Beck say he blamed for his unhappiness?

2. With whom did Beck learn about mountaineering?

3. What does Beck do when he slips back into a depression after his presidency ended?

4. What did Beck climb in Mexico in 1990?

5. What did Beck decide to major in at college?

(see the answer keys)

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