Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Beck Weathers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Left for Dead: My Journey Home from Everest Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Beck Weathers
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Madan?
(a) A medical doctor.
(b) Beck's best friend.
(c) Beck's brother.
(d) The helicopter pilot.

2. How long did Peach give Beck to demonstrate that he had changed?
(a) Six months.
(b) Five years.
(c) No time.
(d) A year.

3. Who are the Sherpas?
(a) A family that lived near the border of India and Nepal.
(b) Nepali climbing guides.
(c) A group of climbers from Russia.
(d) A group of monks from Tibet.

4. For what was Beck particularly concerned when they began their assault for the summit?
(a) The lack of proper equipment.
(b) Two of the climbers.
(c) The cold.
(d) The lack of good guidance.

5. What was Beck descending?
(a) The Triangle above Camp Four.
(b) The Square above Camp Five.
(c) The Circle above Camp Two.
(d) The Rectangle below Camp Three.

6. Who fell 150 feet into a crevasse that Beck heard about?
(a) A Sherpa.
(b) A British climber.
(c) A Swiss climber.
(d) A Russian climber.

7. How many in Beck's group made it to the summit?
(a) 6.
(b) 7.
(c) 2.
(d) 12.

8. Who came down the mountain after the man who offered Beck assistance?
(a) No one.
(b) Mike Groom and Yasuko.
(c) Yasuko.
(d) Rob.

9. From whose point of view is part of Chapter 9?
(a) Beck's son.
(b) Cecilia Boone.
(c) Yasuko's family.
(d) Rob's brother.

10. Where did Beck stay for a couple days before heading to Lukla?
(a) In Pokhra.
(b) In India.
(c) In Tibet meditating.
(d) At a hotel in Katmandu.

11. Why didn't Beck join the group that was headed down the mountain?
(a) He was waiting for his guide to return.
(b) He was delirious.
(c) He did not think they were competent.
(d) He still planned to reach the summit.

12. What does Peach do to help Beck?
(a) She sends a frostbite specialist to Nepal from Russia.
(b) Starts a prayer chain.
(c) She arranged for him to be rescued and cared for.
(d) She sends a frostbite specialist to Nepal from Germany.

13. What did people at base camp tell Peach?
(a) Beck was fine but still on his way down to base camp.
(b) Beck was in a Hyperthermic coma but was airlifted to the hospital.
(c) Beck was fine and on his way to Katmandu.
(d) Beck was dead.

14. What is the setting at the opening of Chapter 2?
(a) Halfway up Mount Everest.
(b) Back at Beck's home in Canada.
(c) Back at Beck's home in the United States.
(d) The airport before the expedition.

15. After how long was Beck not to try to rejoin the group when he stopped?
(a) 1 hour.
(b) 2 hours.
(c) 30 minutes.
(d) 10 minutes.

Short Answer Questions

1. Where is Beck Weathers trapped?

2. Who is with Beck Weathers?

3. About what did Beck write while in base camp?

4. How many feet above sea level was the base camp?

5. From where did the call come that told Peach that Beck had been successfully airlifted off the mountain?

(see the answer keys)

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