Left Behind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Left Behind Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Buck Williams’s occupation?
(a) Flight attendant
(b) Airline pilot
(c) Pastor
(d) Journalist

2. What does Buck think about Nicolae, according to Chapter 8?
(a) He is up to something
(b) He is going to change the world for better
(c) He is going to kill Chaim Rosenzweig
(d) He is a convict

3. What kind of story was Buck planning to pursue in London?
(a) Political campaigning in the United Kingdom
(b) Murder
(c) Financial conspiracy
(d) Political corruption

4. What does Rayford want to know about in Chapter 7?
(a) The Rapture
(b) The people who disappeared
(c) Buck Williams
(d) Nicolae Carpathia

5. What does Chloe think about Rayford’s theory of the disappearances in Chapter 9?
(a) It is far-fetched
(b) It is an invention of desperation
(c) It is the only real explanation
(d) She does not react

6. Who does Rayford get news from about his daughter in Chapter 6?
(a) Her boyfriend
(b) Her supervisor
(c) Her roommate
(d) Her academic advisor

7. Where is the plane headed in Chapter 1?
(a) New York
(b) Los Angeles
(c) London
(d) Chicago

8. How does Buck intend to get to New York, according to the end of Chapter 5?
(a) By train
(b) On a private flight
(c) On Rayford's next flight
(d) He decides to remain where he is

9. How does Buck know the person he was going to see in London, according to Chapter 5?
(a) Buck is his son
(b) They were classmates at Princeton
(c) They met through an interview Buck conducted years before
(d) He is Buck's boss

10. Where does Rayford call in Chapter 9?
(a) The Evangelical Church of God
(b) O'Hare Airport
(c) Saint Patrick's Cathedral in New York
(d) New Hope Village Church

11. How is Rayford able to get a ride home in Chapter 3?
(a) In his own car
(b) He pays a passenger to give him a ride
(c) By Hattie's car
(d) By helicopter

12. Who calls Rayford at the end of Chapter 8?
(a) Chloe
(b) His brother
(c) Buck
(d) Hattie

13. What do many assume is the cause of the disappearances, according to Chapter 4?
(a) A miraculous event
(b) A weapon
(c) A disease
(d) Aliens

14. What does Rayford think about what Bruce says in Chapter 11?
(a) It sounds far-fetched
(b) It is a way for Bruce to have comfort in this difficult time
(c) It gives him hope
(d) It is exactly what he has been looking for

15. Who is Steve Plank?
(a) Buck's brother-in-law
(b) Buck's boss
(c) Another passenger
(d) The copilot

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Rayford discover commits suicide in Chapter 3?

2. What is Nicolae’s occupation, according to Chapter 8?

3. What is Rayford Steele’s occupation?

4. What does Ken suggest about the people who disappeared?

5. How does Hattie feel at the end of Chapter 8?

(see the answer keys)

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