Leaving the Atocha Station Test | Final Test - Easy

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Leaving the Atocha Station Test | Final Test - Easy

Ben Lerner
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 96 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Adam's reaction to Isabel's breaking up - essentially - with him?
(a) He is happy.
(b) He is very upset.
(c) He is suspicious.
(d) He feels nothing.

2. What compliment does one of Carlos's friends give Adam?
(a) He liked Adam's reading.
(b) He likes Adam's coat.
(c) He likes Adam's car.
(d) He likes Adam's hat.

3. What does Adam think of Teresa's face?
(a) It is ordinary.
(b) It can seem both very young and very old.
(c) It is disfigured.
(d) It is ugly.

4. What does Adam think of Teresa's apartment?
(a) It is shabby.
(b) It is large and elegant.
(c) It is too small.
(d) It is ideal.

5. Who definitely does vote?
(a) Oscar.
(b) Carlos.
(c) Arturo.
(d) John.

6. Where do Adam and Isabel go together by train?
(a) Grenada.
(b) San Sebastian.
(c) Alicante.
(d) Vanelcia.

7. Who is the gentlest and most generous man Adam knows?
(a) His brother.
(b) His uncle.
(c) His best friend.
(d) His father.

8. Who does Adam think Teresa might be seeing romantically?
(a) John.
(b) Carlos.
(c) Oscar.
(d) Henry.

9. What is the spanish word for "true," or "clear"?
(a) Bene.
(b) Claro.
(c) Cabo.
(d) Vabo.

10. Where do Teresa and Adam often go together in Part III?
(a) The United States.
(b) Movies, Bookstores, and cafes.
(c) The beach.
(d) A cruise.

11. Who does Teresa say are many of the dead in the terrorist attack?
(a) Spanish people.
(b) Older people.
(c) Immigrants.
(d) Younger people.

12. What kind of pet does Teresa have?
(a) Cat.
(b) Fish.
(c) Turtle.
(d) Dog.

13. Whose death does Isabel confide in Adam about?
(a) Her son's.
(b) Her brother's.
(c) Her mother's.
(d) Her father's.

14. Who does Adam miss following Isabel's breakup with him?
(a) His dog.
(b) His parents.
(c) His friends.
(d) Teresa.

15. What does Adam buy in Corte Ingles?
(a) Dress clothes.
(b) Weed.
(c) A chair.
(d) A suitcase.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Adam tell Teresa in order to try to make her jealous?

2. What does Adam use to pay for his dinner and expensive things for Isabel?

3. Why does the person who does not vote tell Adam he does not vote?

4. Who is one of Adam's favorite poets?

5. What does Adam think the Spanish countryside looks like?

(see the answer keys)

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