Lean In Test | Final Test - Hard

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lean In Test | Final Test - Hard

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. What comic autobiography does the author cite by Tina Fey in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All”?

2. What percentage of employed mothers lack sick days and vacation leave, according to the author in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

3. Who is the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?

4. The author says in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It” that in between her junior and senior years of high school, she worked as a page in D.C. for what congressman?

5. How much time did the author take as maternity leave from Google when she had her first child?

Short Essay Questions

1. Who was the “legendary Massachusetts representative” that the author longed to meet in her story in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

2. What barriers does the author discuss in the beginning of Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?

3. What is the first step to moving forward past gender bias in the workplace, according to the author in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

4. What positive statistics does the author cite for women’s mentorship of women in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

5. How is Marissa Mayer used as an example of gender bias between women in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

6. How does the author describe the term “queen bee” in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality”?

7. What did Sharon Proczter say of “having it all” in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All”?

8. How does the author’s anecdote in the opening of Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave” relate to women’s relationship to their careers metaphorically?

9. What website and organization does the author promote in the Afterword: “Let’s Keep Talking”?

10. What does Sandberg say often creates a double standard and compels women to leave the workplace in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Define and discuss “mentors” and “sponsors” in the business world and examine the traditional mentor-mentee relationship. How has this relationship evolved in the world of business? Where did mentorships first originate? How does the author suggest individuals go about finding a mentor?

Essay Topic 2

Sheryl Sandberg asserts that women, more than men, struggle with candor, forthrightness, and honesty in the workplace. What are examples of the ways that honesty can hurt women in the corporate world? How is this different than the reactions to male honesty? How can one overcome these backlashes from the situation?

Essay Topic 3

Discuss the issue of negotiations in the workplace. In your experience, have you faced the issue of salary negotiations? If so, how did you feel about stepping up to the plate to ask for a higher salary or benefits? If you have not experienced this, discuss a similar example, such as an occurrence when you have challenged a grade in a class or asked for more allowance from your parents. Do you feel that your experiences in negotiation are influenced by your gender? Why or why not?

(see the answer keys)

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