Lean In Test | Final Test - Easy

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lean In Test | Final Test - Easy

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The author says in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner” that her husband Dave taught her how to change a diaper when their first son was how old?
(a) 3 days old.
(b) 8 days old.
(c) 2 months old.
(d) 3 weeks old.

2. What percentage of U.S. working wives now out-earn their husbands, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?
(a) 45%.
(b) 30%.
(c) 12%.
(d) 23%.

3. The author says in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth” that a recent study found that what was the phrase most frequently used to describe the most effective leaders?
(a) “Sense of humor.”
(b) “Empathetic compassion.”
(c) “The ‘IT’ factor.”
(d) “Confidence and gratitude.”

4. Who is the author of Cinderella Ate My Daughter?
(a) Peggy Orenstein.
(b) Nitin Nohria.
(c) Meg Whitman.
(d) Emily White.

5. Of Yale alumni who had reached their forties by 2000, what percentage of the men remained in the workforce, according to the author in Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave”?
(a) 43%.
(b) 20%.
(c) 90%.
(d) 65%.

6. The author states in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner” that currently fathers make up less than what percentage of parents who work full-time inside the home?
(a) Less than 1%.
(b) Less than 2 %.
(c) Less than 4%.
(d) Less than 10%.

7. The author says in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It” that in between her junior and senior years of high school, she worked as a page in D.C. for what congressman?
(a) Tip O’Neill.
(b) Justin Osofsky.
(c) Garrett Neiman.
(d) William Lehman.

8. According to the author in Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave,” what percentage of “highly qualified women with children are leaving careers, or ‘off-ramping,’ for a period of time” as a result of parenthood?
(a) 56%.
(b) 43%.
(c) 90%.
(d) 20%.

9. In Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave,” the author describes what individual that was “finishing up at Stanford’s Institute of Design when she was offered the chance to start a company at the same time that she learned she was pregnant”?
(a) Mary Sue Coleman.
(b) Pattie Sellers.
(c) Reid Hoffman.
(d) Caroline O’Connor.

10. The author states in Chapter 9: “The Myth of Doing It All” that in 2009, married middle-income parents worked about how many more hours per week than in 1979?
(a) 3.5 hours more.
(b) 5.4 hours more.
(c) 8.5 hours more.
(d) 9.25 hours more.

11. “Of the twenty-eight women who have served as CEOs of Fortune 500 companies,” how many were married, according to the author in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner”?
(a) 19.
(b) 16.
(c) 26.
(d) 27.

12. The author points out a study in Chapter 8: “Make Your Partner a Real Partner” that showed “that wives who engage in gatekeeping behaviors do” how many more hours of “family work per week than wives who take a more collaborative approach”?
(a) 3.
(b) 5.
(c) 2.
(d) 6.

13. Who is the former secretary of state that is cited in Chapter 11: “Working Together Toward Equality” for having said, “There’s a special place in hell for women who don’t help other women”?
(a) Rosalind Einhorn.
(b) Gayle Tzemach Lemmon.
(c) Madeleine Albright.
(d) Betty Friedan.

14. According to the author in Chapter 7: “Don’t Leave Before You Leave,” what percentage of mothers whose husband’s earnings landed in the top 5% were out of the labor force in 2006?
(a) 43%.
(b) 20%.
(c) 40%.
(d) 90%.

15. Who is the author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People?
(a) Emily White.
(b) Stephen R. Covey.
(c) Clara Shih.
(d) Lant Pritchett.

Short Answer Questions

1. After giving her TEDTalk, Sheryl Sandberg received numerous letters from women who were inspired by it. One of her favorites that she discusses in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It” came from what consultant in Dubai?

2. Who accompanied Sheryl Sandberg on a trip to New York to speak at the Women’s Media Center, according to the author in Chapter 10: “Let’s Start Talking About It”?

3. Who “joined Facebook in 2008 and held a number of jobs throughout the company in communications, human resources, and mobile products,” according to the author in Chapter 6: “Seek and Speak Your Truth”?

4. What American physicist and astronaut became the first American woman in space in 1983?

5. In what year was Sheryl Sandberg named the Treasury Department’s chief of staff?

(see the answer keys)

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