Lean In Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lean In Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Sheryl Sandberg
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 165 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is described as “president of the Rockefeller Foundation and the first woman to serve as president of an Ivy League university” in Chapter 1: “The Leadership Ambition Gap”?
(a) Jocelyn Goldfein.
(b) Kash Rangan.
(c) Judith Rodin.
(d) Meg Whitman.

2. According to the author in Chapter 3: “Success and Likeability,” what magazine ran a story in November 2011 about female entrepreneurs in Silicon Valley and “illustrated it by superimposing the featured women’s heads onto male bodies”?
(a) People.
(b) The New Yorker.
(c) Time.
(d) San Francisco.

3. What is described by the author as stress hormones in Chapter 2: “Sit at the Table”?
(a) Cortisol.
(b) Calcitonin.
(c) Testosterone.
(d) Estrogen.

4. Who is described in Chapter 3: “Success and Likeability” as one of the engineering directors at Facebook who held a meeting in 2011 with female engineers to encourage them to share the progress they’d made on products they were building?
(a) Jocelyn Goldfein.
(b) Virginia Rometty.
(c) Cameron Anderson.
(d) Judith Rodin.

5. Eric Schmidt, when offering Sheryl Sandberg her first position at Google, told her “that only one criterion mattered when picking a job.” What is that criterion?
(a) Fast growth.
(b) Power structure.
(c) Room for advancement.
(d) Financial income.

6. The author states in Chapter 5: “Are You My Mentor?” that “Studies show that mentors select protégés based on” what?
(a) “Performance and potential.”
(b) “Appearance and personality.”
(c) “Credentials and past achievements.”
(d) “Need and ability to give.”

7. Where does the author say she attended a large public high school growing up in Chapter 2: “Sit at the Table”?
(a) Cleveland, Ohio.
(b) Miami, Florida.
(c) Little Rock, Arkansas.
(d) Brooklyn, New York.

8. Based on the 2003 study cited by the author in Chapter 3: “Success and Likeability,” she concludes that “success and likeability” are correlated how for women?
(a) Demurely.
(b) Negatively.
(c) Abstractly.
(d) Positively.

9. Who is the highly regarded senior director of marketing at eBay whom the author says called her about a month after she began working for Facebook in Chapter 4: “It’s a Jungle Gym, Not a Ladder”?
(a) Lori Goler.
(b) Leymah Gbowee.
(c) Padmasree Warrior.
(d) Judith Rodin.

10. How many women and girls does the author say are currently trapped in the sex trade worldwide in the Introduction: “Internalizing the Revolution”?
(a) 6.7. million.
(b) 2.9 million.
(c) 4.4 million.
(d) 1.5 million.

11. During the Great Depression, the author says that her grandmother was pulled out of Morris High School to help support the household by doing what?
(a) Selling groceries at a nearby market.
(b) Working as a secretary to a lawyer.
(c) Working in an automotive factory.
(d) Sewing fabric flowers on undergarments.

12. What coed college does the author say her mother attended in Chapter 1: “The Leadership Ambition Gap”?
(a) Yale University.
(b) Harvard University.
(c) The University of Pennsylvania.
(d) U.C. Berkeley.

13. Who is the New York University professor that co-ran an experiment to test perceptions of women and men in the workplace in the 2003 study discussed in Chapter 3: “Success and Likeability”?
(a) Justin Osofsky.
(b) Josh Steiner.
(c) Cameron Anderson.
(d) Bob Steel.

14. What author is cited by Sandberg as having written in The New Yorker that for women, “self-doubt becomes a form of self-defense” in Chapter 3: “Success and Likeability”?
(a) Oprah Winfrey.
(b) Nitin Nohria.
(c) Ken Auletta.
(d) Emily White.

15. Who is the Treasury Secretary at Facebook that the author describes hosing a meeting for a few years ago in the opening of Chapter 2: “Sit at the Table”?
(a) Tim Geithner.
(b) Omid Kordestani.
(c) Mary Sue Coleman.
(d) Lori Goler.

Short Answer Questions

1. The internal and external barriers that women face in the workplace are related by the author using what metaphor in the Introduction: “Internalizing the Revolution”?

2. Who is described in Chapter 3: “Success and Likeability” as the founder and CEO of Facebook?

3. The author notes in Chapter 4: “It’s a Jungle Gym, Not a Ladder” that “an internal report at Hewlett-Packard revealed that women only apply for open jobs if they think they meet” what percent of the criteria listed?

4. What percentage of seats in parliament are currently held by women globally, according to the author in the Introduction: “Internalizing the Revolution”?

5. Who was the head of sales and business development at Google that gave Sheryl Sandberg her first opportunity to run a small deal team, according to the author in Chapter 4: “It’s a Jungle Gym, Not a Ladder”?

(see the answer keys)

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