The Law of Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Law of Love Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Cuquita feel about Azucena?
(a) She is jealous of her.
(b) She wants to be Azucena's best friend.
(c) She hates her, and she is working on a plan to steal her boyfriend.
(d) She misses her since she moved away from her home town.

2. What does Isabel dislike about Abel Zabludowsky interviewing Camela?
(a) Isabel is jealous of Carmela's calm eloquence.
(b) Isabel would prefer that all of the attention be on her.
(c) Isabel is embarrassed by her weight.
(d) Isabel is romantically interested in Zabludowsky, and is jealous of his interest in others.

3. What kind of quotes are found at the beginning and end of the first chapter?
(a) Quotes from a popular television personality.
(b) Quotes from Aztec poetry.
(c) Quotes from cookbooks.
(d) Quotes from modern songs.

4. What does Dr. Díez implant in Azucena's brain?
(a) A device to send out messages in order to trick photomental cameras.
(b) The idea that she must get married in order to feel fulfilled.
(c) A device that feeds her healing sounds when she has negative thoughts that might derail her from her purpose in life.
(d) A device that sends out vibrations that will help to attract love and wealth to her life.

5. What does the coyote at the end of chapter four try to sell Azucena?
(a) Plant speakers.
(b) A body.
(c) A silver spoon.
(d) Illegal music.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is Isabel celebrating at the opening of chapter six?

2. What would Azucena's Guardian Angel recommend if she would listen to him?

3. What kind of family is Citlali from?

4. Where does Azucena end up by mistake on her way homes from the black market at Tepito?

5. What does Cuquia have in her shopping bag at the beginning of chapter seven?

Short Essay Questions

1. What did Isabel do to her second daughter?

2. In chapter fourteen, who do we learn that Anacreonte report to?

3. What recurring themes are present in chapter five?

4. What is the difference between the meeting of Twin Souls and any other meeting?

5. What happens while Azucena interviews at the Center for the Oversight of Previous Existences?

6. Why does Azucena give Rodrigo an Astoanalysis session?

7. What is Agapito's position?

8. What is an astroanalyst?

9. If Isabel is seen as evil, who is set up in chapter five to represent good? How is this presented?

10. What does Anacreonte tell Azucena about the Law of Love in chapter thirteen?

(see the answer keys)

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