Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me Test | Final Test - Medium

Mariko Tamaki
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me Test | Final Test - Medium

Mariko Tamaki
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 117 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following does Doodle use as a bookend?
(a) Unicorn.
(b) Griffin.
(c) Dragon.
(d) Pegasus.

2. Which of the following does Freddy jokingly suggest might occur at her workplace in the near future?
(a) Burning meat.
(b) Burning incense.
(c) Burning sage.
(d) Burning the building.

3. What extracurricular is advertised behind Buddy after Eric leaves in the wake of their argument about the birthday party?
(a) Choir.
(b) Dance.
(c) Art.
(d) Band.

4. When Erv asks Freddy what is in the bag that was left on her front steps for her, what is her reply?
(a) Drugs.
(b) Snakes.
(c) Money.
(d) Bodies.

5. Which of the following questions does Dan ask Freddy when she calls to tell him she will overnight with Laura?
(a) “Her mom there?”
(b) “She have any beer?”
(c) “Her dad there?”
(d) “You eat enough?”

Short Answer Questions

1. On what day is Doodle’s abortion scheduled?

2. What emblem is on the shirt of the girl whom Freddy sees Laura with at the event to which Vi invited her?

3. Which of the following does Freddy jokingly suggest might occur at her workplace in the near future?

4. Which of the following is on display in Freddy’s room after her assignation with Laura following learning of Doodle’s pregnancy?

5. How old does Mo note being?

Short Essay Questions

1. What comments about grandmothers do Freddy and Vi make while talking over coffee?

2. How does Doodle dismiss Freddy from her room after noting her pregnancy?

3. What progression of eyeglass styles do Freddy and Vi note while talking over coffee?

4. How does Doodle react to Freddy having failed to meet her as requested after her teacher’s rebuke?

5. What justification does Vi offer Freddy for talking with her about Laura as they get coffee together?

6. What reasons does Laura posit for Freddy’s conduct at the event to which Vi invited her?

7. Freddy comments on the women in the show about polyamory she watches. Why does she posit that the women in it do not care about their own feelings in the situation?

8. For what reasons does Buddy rebuke Freddy after his argument with Eric?

9. What does Freddy posit to Anna Vice that she may be doing by remaining in a relationship with Laura while Laura explores other romances?

10. What reason does Buddy note for arguing with Eric about attending a birthday party?

(see the answer keys)

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