Laughter in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Laughter in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How did Margot feel at the sight of Albert grieving for Irma?
(a) Guilty.
(b) Proud.
(c) Annoyed.
(d) Content.

2. What does Albert decide not to tell Udo about?
(a) He and Elisabeth have separated.
(b) Axel is gay.
(c) His relationship with Margot.
(d) Irma has died.

3. What service does Axel offer to provide Albert for his trip to the South?
(a) Route planner.
(b) Housesitter.
(c) Chauffeuring.
(d) Party organizer.

4. What happens when Margot lets Axel kiss her in Chapter 19?
(a) Albert catches them in the act.
(b) His button gets caught in her lace.
(c) They are interrupted by Freida.
(d) Margot slaps him afterward.

5. What lie does Albert tell Margot about Elisabeth?
(a) Elisabeth will take all of his money.
(b) Elisabeth wants him back.
(c) He is already divorced from Elisabeth.
(d) Elisabeth refuses to divorce him.

6. In Chapter 34, what does Margot read aloud to Albert in the hospital?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) A letter.
(c) The Bible.
(d) The Great Gatsby.

7. What does Irma dream about when she goes to sleep in Chapter 19?
(a) Playing hockey with her father.
(b) Celebrating her birthday with her parents.
(c) Feeding ducks with her father.
(d) Going to the zoo with her parents.

8. In the story Axel tells about his sculptor friend. Where do the sculptor and his wife walk to at the end?
(a) A lunatic asylum.
(b) The Eiffel tower.
(c) A beach.
(d) A divorce court.

9. On the day after attending the hockey game, what is wrong with Irma?
(a) She has pain in her abdomen.
(b) She had a stuffed nose.
(c) She runs a fever.
(d) She has a headache.

10. At the chalet, which room did Axel choose for himself?
(a) The biggest one.
(b) The sunniest one.
(c) The warmest one.
(d) The prettiest one.

11. To what does Margot compare her appearance onscreen?
(a) To a witch.
(b) To a hippopotamus.
(c) To a hollywood actress.
(d) To her mother's wedding photo.

12. What is the name of the cook who works at the chalet?
(a) Gisa.
(b) Katarina.
(c) Emilia.
(d) Hilda.

13. In Chapter 27, where does Albert run off to thinking he will still be able to catch his bus?
(a) Back to his hotel room.
(b) A bakery.
(c) A bar.
(d) A souvenir shop.

14. Why do Albert and Axel carry Margot when the three of them go for a walk in the mountains?
(a) Margot is afraid of stepping on a snake.
(b) Margot sprains her ankle.
(c) Margot loses her shoe.
(d) Margot's foot becomes blistered.

15. Who gossips about Albert at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Elisabeth.
(b) Otto.
(c) Albert's hall porter.
(d) Axel.

Short Answer Questions

1. While sick, how does Margot amuse herself in Chapter 20?

2. What does Margot say Axel is in the habit of confiding in her?

3. At the beginning of Chapter 33, what operation has Albert undergone?

4. How does Margot react to the news that Irma is deathly ill?

5. What does Irma hear from the street that makes her look outside in Chapter 19?

(see the answer keys)

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