Laughter in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Laughter in the Dark Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is the chalet that Margot rents from an Irish couple?
(a) Norway.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) Germany.
(d) England.

2. What is the name of the cook who works at the chalet?
(a) Emilia.
(b) Gisa.
(c) Hilda.
(d) Katarina.

3. At the chalet, which room did Axel choose for himself?
(a) The warmest one.
(b) The prettiest one.
(c) The biggest one.
(d) The sunniest one.

4. In Chapter 34, what does Margot read aloud to Albert in the hospital?
(a) The newspaper.
(b) The Bible.
(c) The Great Gatsby.
(d) A letter.

5. How did Margot feel at the sight of Albert grieving for Irma?
(a) Guilty.
(b) Content.
(c) Proud.
(d) Annoyed.

6. In Chapter 34, when Margot leaves the hospital, where does she tell Albert she is going?
(a) To buy a newspaper.
(b) To a travel agency.
(c) To buy him some pajamas.
(d) To call Elisabeth.

7. What does the air at Rouginard smell of in Chapter 28?
(a) Citrus.
(b) Mint.
(c) Pine.
(d) Thyme.

8. In Chapter 26, what does Albert think Margot is doing when, in fact, she is having a tryst with Axel?
(a) Unpacking her luggage.
(b) Taking a nap.
(c) Getting dressed for dinner.
(d) Taking a bath.

9. When Margot visits the street she grew up on, what business has replaced the stationery shop?
(a) A bakery.
(b) A hairdresser.
(c) A grocery store.
(d) A pawn shop.

10. Axel tells Albert he is leaving France for ___________.
(a) New York.
(b) Los Angeles.
(c) Madrid.
(d) Sydney.

11. In Chapter 31, Albert says that he thinks he sent their luggage on to __________.
(a) Gibraltar.
(b) Capri.
(c) Nice.
(d) San Remo.

12. What does Axel say is "the point of life's joke" in Chapter 22?
(a) Death.
(b) Illness.
(c) Marriage.
(d) Divorce.

13. What does Albert decide not to tell Udo about?
(a) His relationship with Margot.
(b) Axel is gay.
(c) Irma has died.
(d) He and Elisabeth have separated.

14. Who gossips about Albert at the end of Chapter 22?
(a) Albert's hall porter.
(b) Axel.
(c) Otto.
(d) Elisabeth.

15. In Chapter 32, what does the old woman see approaching in the opposite direction of Albert's car?
(a) Two cyclists.
(b) A small truck.
(c) A horse-drawn carriage.
(d) A motorcycle.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the name of the hotel Albert, Margot, and Axel are staying at in Rouginard?

2. What is the destination of the mail plane mentioned in Chapter 32?

3. On the day after attending the hockey game, what is wrong with Irma?

4. Axel tells the cook that Margot is _____________.

5. In the story Axel tells about his sculptor friend. Where do the sculptor and his wife walk to at the end?

(see the answer keys)

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