The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Judith Ortiz Cofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Judith Ortiz Cofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does the girl hear at night in "Orar: To Pray"?
(a) Her mother crying.
(b) Her mother leaving.
(c) Her mother calling her aunt.
(d) Her mother kneeling.

2. What happens when the girl goes to bed in "American History"?
(a) She cries.
(b) She makes a wish.
(c) She smiles.
(d) She writes in her journal.

3. What color did "they" wear in "A Legion of Dark Angels"?
(a) Black.
(b) Red.
(c) Brown.
(d) Green.

4. What did the girl talk about when she was dressed up in "The Changeling"?
(a) Tales of battles and brotherhood.
(b) Tales of parties and pain.
(c) Tales of wars and wonders.
(d) Tales of feasts and festivities.

5. Where does the girl sometimes sleep in "Fever"?
(a) In bed with her mother.
(b) On the couch.
(c) In her father's car.
(d) On the floor.

6. In the grandmother's story, what does the husband thank God for?
(a) For food.
(b) For power.
(c) For salt.
(d) For money.

7. Why do the kids at school tease the girl?
(a) For being tall.
(b) For being fat.
(c) For being skinny.
(d) For being short.

8. What does the girl notice about the type of voice her mother uses with the shopkeeper in "An Early Mystery"?
(a) It's more soothing than she is used to hearing.
(b) It's unlike any voice she has heard.
(c) It's like the one she uses with her father.
(d) It's quiter than normal.

9. How does the girl know what apartment her father is in in "By Love Betrayed"?
(a) She hears him yelling through the door.
(b) She sees his toolbox.
(c) Her mother told her.
(d) He left her a note on the kitchen table.

10. Where did Eugene move from?
(a) Georgia.
(b) South Carolina.
(c) Kentucky.
(d) Florida.

11. What type of music can be heard playing in the narrator's apartment building?
(a) Latin.
(b) Salsa.
(c) Opera.
(d) Rock.

12. Why does the girl leave her apartment in "Twist and Shout"?
(a) She forgot to get dinner.
(b) She was invited to a party.
(c) She can hear a party.
(d) She wanted to run away.

13. What was the girl's father's day job?
(a) Mechanic for big trucks.
(b) Handy man for people in New York City.
(c) Superintendent of the apartment building.
(d) Manager of a store.

14. How old is the girl in "Absolution in the New Year"?
(a) Eleven.
(b) Fifteen.
(c) Fourteen.
(d) Ten.

15. Who is killed the day the girl has plans with Eugene?
(a) The vice president.
(b) The governor.
(c) The mayor.
(d) The president.

Short Answer Questions

1. What item does the girl debate the value of in "An Early Mystery"?

2. How does the girl treat her father in "Dividir: To Divide"?

3. What did the father do when the girl wanted to go into the sugarcane field?

4. What music does the girl always hear in "Twist and Shout"?

5. In "Absolution in the New Year", what does the girl's father feel the girl is becoming?

(see the answer keys)

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