The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Judith Ortiz Cofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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The Latin Deli: An Ars Poetica Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

Judith Ortiz Cofer
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 121 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through The Story of My Body.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In "Dear Joaquin", what does Olga drink when she writes Joaquin letters?
(a) Club soda.
(b) Wine.
(c) Gin.
(d) Beer.

2. What type of fruit tree is in "From the Book of Dreams in Spanish"?
(a) Banana.
(b) Tamarind.
(c) Fig.
(d) Apple.

3. What did the girl do in "The Lesson of the Sugarcane" while she waited in the car?
(a) Cried.
(b) Sweated.
(c) Slept.
(d) Day-dreamed.

4. In 'The Book of Dreams in Spanish", the girl reaches for fruit on what branches?
(a) The bottom branches.
(b) The broken branches.
(c) The top branches.
(d) The new branches.

5. Why does Dona Ernestina have shopping bags full of trinkets in "Nada"?
(a) To give to people.
(b) To sell.
(c) To return to the store.
(d) To hide in the neighborhood.

Short Answer Questions

1. In "How to Get a Baby", what will the baby appear as?

2. In "An Early Mystery", what does the woman ask the girl?

3. Where does the woman in "Advanced Biology" visit her mother?

4. How is Fidel Castro described in "A Legion of Dark Angels"?

5. In "The Story of My Body", why is the girl teased at school?

(see the answer key)

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