The Last Night of Ballyhoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Night of Ballyhoo Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is Sunny's major?
(a) Sociology.
(b) Fashion.
(c) Theatre.
(d) English.

2. What does Lala complain that instead of fighting about Christmas trees, they should all be doing?
(a) Preparing a meal for the first day of Chanuka.
(b) Celebrating because Clark Gable and other movie stars are in town for the world premiere of Gone with the Wind just a few blocks away.
(c) Decorating the tree together.
(d) Getting ready for Christmas dinner.

3. Why does Boo accuse Adolph of playing favorites?
(a) He does not like Boo, so he does not like Lala.
(b) He never cared for Lala's father, Boo's husband DeWald.
(c) Sunny is prettier than Lala.
(d) It is obvious that Adolph likes Lala more than Sunny.

4. Boo says it is not enough to know that Sylvan is taking Lala to Ballyhoo. What does she need to know?
(a) Whether Sylvan likes her.
(b) Whether Sylvan will propose.
(c) Whether he is taking her to the dance on the last night.
(d) Whether Lala likes him.

5. How are Sunny and Joe left alone?
(a) Lala goes to visit Sylvan; Boo and Adolph go to make coffee.
(b) The family goes for a walk.
(c) The family goes to the kitchen.
(d) Lala goes out to make coffee; Boo and Adolph go up to bed.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Joe respond to this information?

2. Where do Lala and her mother go to get ready?

3. About what do Adolph and Sunny chat, right before Reba goes up to bed?

4. Where does the man say he has to go?

5. What does Lala say when Boo asks her why she wants to go down to the theater?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Sunny say to Joe, when he comes up to her?

2. What does Boo think Lala needs to do, regarding society? How does Lala respond?

3. What does Joe do when Sunny misquotes a Sabbath blessing?

4. What are the various characters doing the next morning?

5. How does Joe react to Peachy's comments about the Standard Club and the Progressive Club? What does Peachy explain?

6. How does Sunny respond when Joe seems doubtful and does not seem to believe what she has to say?

7. Over what do Boo and Reba argue? Why do they wake up Adolph?

8. How does the family react to Peachy's arrival?

9. What takes place at Ballyhoo?

10. Who is Peachy taking to the dance?

(see the answer keys)

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