The Last Night of Ballyhoo Test | Final Test - Easy

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Night of Ballyhoo Test | Final Test - Easy

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Adolph explain about the Jewish club?
(a) Many Jews do not want to go.
(b) Only young Jews are allowed to go.
(c) Non-Jews want to go.
(d) Non-Jews would not want to go.

2. How does Joe leave?
(a) Angrily.
(b) Nervously.
(c) Sadly.
(d) Happily.

3. What does Sunny do when she hears the conductor call out "All aboard?"
(a) She panics.
(b) She tells Joe good bye.
(c) She falls asleep.
(d) She cries.

4. What does Adolph say when Joe says goodnight and starts for his car?
(a) He says they need to have a discussion and leaves them alone.
(b) He says goodnight to him as well.
(c) He tells him to leave and never come back.
(d) He apologizes for not telling him about the restricted club.

5. What does Peachy do when he sees Lala?
(a) He runs up to her to pin on her corsage.
(b) He teases her about not being dressed up enough.
(c) He gives her a kiss on the cheek.
(d) He faints.

6. For whom is the Standard Club?
(a) Only German Jews.
(b) Only Eastern European Jews.
(c) Only non-Jews.
(d) Only American Jews.

7. Why can the guest not have nuts?
(a) He is fatally allergic.
(b) He is mildly allergic.
(c) He hates them.
(d) He cannot bite down on them.

8. As Joe apologizes and Adolph says it's not really a big deal, what does Reba do?
(a) She calls down for Sunny to come up and help with the dress.
(b) She calls down for Lala to come up and help with the dress.
(c) She tells Adolph to send for the doctor.
(d) She tells Boo to calm down.

9. What does Reba do as Adolph appears wearing the sweater Reba knitted him for Christmas?
(a) She begins to laugh.
(b) She gasps.
(c) She tries to calm down Boo.
(d) She cries.

10. What does Joe tell Sunny all she has to do?
(a) Marry him.
(b) Go to a synagogue.
(c) Call him when she gets to school.
(d) Think of something good, and together they will make it happen.

11. To what does Joe compare his experience that night?
(a) Her experience at the swimming pool.
(b) His family's experience in Poland.
(c) His experience wherever he goes.
(d) His experience at her family's home.

12. For whom is the Progressive Club?
(a) It is for the old Jews.
(b) It is where "his kind" of Jews belong.
(c) It is where "the other kind" of Jews belong.
(d) It is for the non-Jews.

13. How does Adolph respond when Boo says she thought they were going to be happy and asks what happened?
(a) Adolph says she should be happy.
(b) Adolph says he is happy.
(c) Adolph says he wishes they were happy.
(d) Adolph says he does not know.

14. What does Adolph say about the sweater?
(a) Adolph says nothing.
(b) Adolph says he hates it.
(c) Adolph says he will never wear it.
(d) Adolph protests that he loves it.

15. Why are the Ballyhoo tickets free?
(a) Adolph paid for them.
(b) Adolph refuses to allow Joe to pay for the tickets.
(c) Adolph won two free tickets.
(d) Adolph is a vice president of the country club where the dance is being held.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Peachy say that he might be interested in doing?

2. How does Lala react to this greeting?

3. What does Joe do when he sees how beautiful Sunny is?

4. What Christmas gift does Reba accept from Louisa?

5. What happens when Joe and Sunny start dancing too?

(see the answer keys)

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