The Last Night of Ballyhoo Character Descriptions

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Night of Ballyhoo Character Descriptions

Alfred Uhry
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Joe Farkas - This character is a Brooklyn Jew who has moved to the South to work for at a bedding company. He never went to college, but according to Sunny, he is very bright.

Adolph Freitag - This bachelor, who lives with the two widows, runs the family's bedding business that was first started by their oldest brother, Sunny's father, who is now dead.

Reba Freitag - This character, a widow, lives with her brothers-in-law. Generally seen knitting, she is far more easygoing than her sister-in-law, but she also is a little vague.

Sunny Freitag - This character has a cheerful disposition, blond hair, and intellectual curiosity. Despite her so-called Aryan features, she has been the victim of prejudice: when she was a teenager, she was kicked out of a private swimming pool in front of all her classmates.

Boo Levy - This character is...

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