The Last Temptation of Christ Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Temptation of Christ Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 142 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During their first meeting, what does Pilate urge Jesus to do?
(a) Stop preaching.
(b) Keep a lower profile.
(c) Make some friends in the Roman government.
(d) Return to Galilee.

2. What does Jesus want to do with the existing Laws?
(a) Jesus doesn't concern himself with worldly Laws.
(b) Expand them.
(c) Keep them the way they are.
(d) Abolish them.

3. What does Peter see on Jesus's forehead as he describes his time in the desert?
(a) A cross of white light.
(b) Hornlike flames.
(c) Claw marks.
(d) A crown of thorns.

4. What does Simeon tell Jesus about Isaiah's martyrdom?
(a) It showed that the body is a tent, a temporary place to stay while on one's way to Heaven, the homeland.
(b) He made too many mistakes; he may have been the Messiah, instead of a martyr, had he lived.
(c) Isaiah helped to ready the way for Jesus as the Messiah.
(d) He showed that pity and love alone are not enough to save mankind.

5. What does Jesus request of Judas before entering Pilate's palace?
(a) He asks Judas to present his case to Pilate.
(b) He asks Judas to be ready in case things go wrong.
(c) He asks Judas to pretend he doesn't know him.
(d) He asks Judas not to help him.

6. What does Jesus fear as Spring approaches?
(a) Being sentenced to death.
(b) Last-minute cowardice.
(c) Being unable to carry out his mission.
(d) Losing the faith of his followers.

7. When talking to Pilate, Jesus compares Rome to ____________.
(a) A giant clay statue.
(b) A vast ocean.
(c) A giant bird of prey.
(d) A circus.

8. What is the new meaning of the paschal meal?
(a) It is to commemorate the last gathering of Jesus and his disciples.
(b) The bread and wine are Jesus's body and blood.
(c) It is now known as Good Friday instead.
(d) It is to celebrate the coming of the Messiah.

9. How does Matthew respond when Peter tells him about his dream?
(a) He thinks that Peter is going insane.
(b) He thinks that the events must have occurred somewhere.
(c) He thinks that Peter is possessed.
(d) He thinks that Peter is a prophet.

10. Where does Jesus revive after the incident in Jerusalem's temple?
(a) Nazareth.
(b) Capernaum.
(c) Gethsemane.
(d) Galilee.

11. Who does Jesus bring back to life in Chapter 25?
(a) Lazarus.
(b) Judas.
(c) Peter.
(d) Thomas.

12. What is the subject of the parable that Jesus tells Zebedee?
(a) A poor man who splits his crust of bread with a beggar and becomes rich.
(b) A fisherman who gives his first catch of the day to a beggar.
(c) A poor man who is rich in God's love.
(d) A rich man, whose wealth vanishes when he dies.

13. How does Jesus feel when he reads what Matthew has written?
(a) He feels that it is closely in accordance with the truth.
(b) He finds it full of lies, but he accepts that it may be God's higher truth.
(c) He is angry at Matthew and blames him for writing an inaccurate account.
(d) He knows it is false, but he likes it better than the truth.

14. Why does Judas get angry with Jesus in Cana?
(a) He is not assertive enough.
(b) He refuses to fight back to save himself.
(c) He is preaching about the wrong things.
(d) He has wasted help on an enemy.

15. Why does Jesus get frustrated with his disciples in Chapter 21?
(a) They are behaving in a cowardly fashion.
(b) They are refusing to acknowledge him in public.
(c) They won't stay and protect him.
(d) They fail to understand one of his parables.

Short Answer Questions

1. While Jesus is in Cana, what is Mary Magdalene doing?

2. Why does Pilate initially refuse to be provoked into crucifying Jesus?

3. Andrew compares John the Baptist to whom?

4. When Simeon asks Jesus who he really is, what is Jesus's response?

5. What happens to Lazarus on the road to Barabbas?

(see the answer keys)

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