The Last Picture Show Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Picture Show Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who does Lois end up sleeping with?
(a) Dwayne.
(b) Lester.
(c) Bobby.
(d) Sonny.

2. Why does Sam say that he always brings them to the same tank?
(a) Fishing is good.
(b) It is close to home.
(c) Sentimental reasons.
(d) Area is pretty.

3. Dwayne makes fun of Sonny for never sleeping with who?
(a) Marlene.
(b) Charlene.
(c) Genevieve.
(d) Jacy.

4. Do Sam and his friends catch a lot of fish?
(a) They rarely catch anything.
(b) They catch a medium amount of fish.
(c) It is the best fishing around.
(d) They can't keep up with all of the fish.

5. Where does Sonny lie the body of his friend?
(a) In front of the tank.
(b) In front of the picture show.
(c) In the all night cafe.
(d) In the pool hall.

6. Who does Joe Bob kidnap?
(a) Marlene.
(b) Molly.
(c) Jacy.
(d) Charlene.

7. Why do Dwayne and Sonny urinate every fifty miles?
(a) They fear they got a disease from the prostitute.
(b) They need gas anyways.
(c) They keep drinking Cokes.
(d) They want to break up the ride.

8. What is the name of the brothel that Dwayne and Sonny go to?
(a) Santa Maria.
(b) Cabaret LuLu.
(c) Tiki Tiki.
(d) Cabaret ZeeZee.

9. What does Dwayne tell Sonny during their trip together when Dwayne is home for the first time since leaving?
(a) That he knows about Sonny and Jacy.
(b) That he is going blind.
(c) That he is dying.
(d) That he is going to live in Wichita.

10. Why does Sonny feel sad after watching his first football game as an alumni?
(a) He misses Jacy.
(b) He misses Lois.
(c) He is graduated from high school and doesn't feel like he is a part of the town.
(d) He misses Dwayne.

11. Who does Sam take fishing?
(a) Sonny and Lester.
(b) Sonny and Billy.
(c) Sonny and Dwayne.
(d) Sonny and Bobby.

12. What kind of car does Gene drive?
(a) Chevrolet.
(b) Ford.
(c) Cadillac.
(d) Mercury.

13. Who says they will take care of the funeral arrangements?
(a) Gene.
(b) Sonny's father.
(c) Abilene.
(d) Sonny.

14. Why does Abilene make his mufflers roar?
(a) To scare Jacy.
(b) So Lois will hear.
(c) To scare a stray dog.
(d) So the neighbors will hear.

15. Dwayne returns to Thalia after having gone where at the end of the summer?
(a) Dallas.
(b) College.
(c) Boot camp.
(d) Korea.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens with the Thalia football team?

2. Who does Jacy decide to date at the beginning of Chapter 21 after her discussion with Lois?

3. How old is Joe Bob?

4. Why does Sonny not go back to Ruth?

5. What do Dwayne and Sonny see for the first time on their trip?

(see the answer keys)

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