The Last Picture Show Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Picture Show Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which character had three young sons who died before age eighteen?
(a) Billy.
(b) Sam.
(c) Dwayne.
(d) Sonny.

2. When Sonny gets back to the gym what does Coach Popper ask him?
(a) Did the doctor give Ruth any prescriptions?
(b) Did Ruth ask about where Coach Popper was?
(c) Did Ruth kiss Sonny?
(d) Did Ruth cry?

3. Why does Genevieve tell Sonny he should take money from his father sometimes?
(a) Sonny can give the money to his mother.
(b) It would make Sonny's father feel good.
(c) Sonny needs the money.
(d) Sonny can give the money to Genevieve.

4. When Sonny kisses Ruth, where are they?
(a) Alley.
(b) All-night cafe.
(c) Ruth's house.
(d) The pool hall.

5. Which player does the team trick with glue mixed with the foot-toughener?
(a) Bobby Logan.
(b) Sonny.
(c) Dwayne.
(d) Joe Bob.

6. Who does Jacy find her mother kissing in the foyer?
(a) Coach Popper.
(b) Billy.
(c) Sam.
(d) Abilene.

7. What does Coach Popper tell Ruth when she asks him to bring her a pain pill?
(a) That he flushed them down the toilet.
(b) Get it herself.
(c) That he will get it in a minute.
(d) That she is all out.

8. Why does Sonny tell Genevieve that he is blue?
(a) Sonny misses his father.
(b) Sonny misses his mother.
(c) There is no one for Sonny to go out with in Thalia.
(d) Sonny is upset about breaking up with Charlene.

9. What happens to Sonny's mother?
(a) Died in a car accident.
(b) Died of a drug overdose.
(c) Died during childbirth.
(d) Left when he was a baby.

10. When Sonny breaks up with Charlene she makes him give her back what?
(a) A shirt.
(b) A tape.
(c) Photos.
(d) A poem.

11. Genevieve's husband was injured in what kind of an accident?
(a) Car.
(b) Fire.
(c) Tractor.
(d) Oil rig.

12. How much money does Lois lose to Abilene in craps?
(a) Six hundred dollars.
(b) One thousand dollars.
(c) Two thousand dollars.
(d) One hundred dollars.

13. When Coach Popper wakes up from sleeping on the bus, what does he find that upsets him?
(a) Jacy asleep with her legs across Dwayne.
(b) Food laying all over the bus.
(c) His wallet missing.
(d) Ruth's medicine out where players could see it.

14. Sonny is thinking he would rather be dating who while watching the movie at the picture show?
(a) Marlene.
(b) Penny.
(c) Jacy.
(d) Genevieve.

15. Which character is found sweeping a lot?
(a) Sam.
(b) Sonny.
(c) Dwayne.
(d) Billy.

Short Answer Questions

1. Coach Popper asks Sonny to drive Ruth to the doctor in what city?

2. What does Jacy say about premarital sex?

3. How long does Sonny wait due to the butane tank being guarded?

4. Sonny plays what sport in high school?

5. Of all the people that have a crush on Genevieve, who is her favorite?

(see the answer keys)

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