The Last Picture Show Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Picture Show Quiz | Four Week Quiz B

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 22.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Jacy tell Dwayne she is going to Wichita?
(a) She needs to go for her health.
(b) She has met some new girlfriends.
(c) Her mother insists upon it.
(d) She wants to.

2. Who does Jacy invite to have a hamburger with her?
(a) Sonny.
(b) Dwayne.
(c) Lester.
(d) Bobby.

3. After Lois has a talk with Jacy about Dwayne, what does Lois drink?
(a) Wine.
(b) Tequila.
(c) Bourbon.
(d) Beer.

4. What does Dwayne tell Sonny during their trip together when Dwayne is home for the first time since leaving?
(a) That he is going blind.
(b) That he is dying.
(c) That he knows about Sonny and Jacy.
(d) That he is going to live in Wichita.

5. Sonny's father is injured how?
(a) Oil rig accident.
(b) Tractor accident.
(c) Car accident.
(d) Fire.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Sonny feel about being done with Charlene?

2. When Sonny breaks up with Charlene she goes crying to who?

3. Who is waiting for Sonny and Dwayne when they get back to the rooming house in Chapter 15?

4. Where does Sonny find Dwayne asleep after Sonny sleeps with the prostitute?

5. Which player receives an elbow to the groin during the basketball game?

(see the answer key)

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