Last Orders Test | Final Test - Medium

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Last Orders Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 95 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Vic want to visit?
(a) A memorial
(b) A grave
(c) His mother's house
(d) His old work place

2. Where did Ray make up any lost income?
(a) The internet
(b) The boxing ring
(c) The track
(d) The football field

3. What does Lenny look like he has been doing when he comes out of the bathroom?
(a) Screaming
(b) Crying
(c) Jogging
(d) Fighting

4. How is Mandy related to Neville?
(a) Her uncle
(b) Her father
(c) Her step father
(d) Her brother

5. Why did Jack want to buy Ray's camper van?
(a) To find girls
(b) To start a business
(c) To do it up and sell it on
(d) To travel with Amy

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Lenny eat at the pub?

2. Who does Amy say she chose over Jack?

3. What was Mandy doing when Jack picked her up?

4. Which character struggles the most to walk up the hill?

5. Why did Ray arrange to take time off work?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Vic remember about the funeral at Fairfax Park Hospital?

2. How did an affair start between Ray and Amy?

3. What did Vince think about when he heard that Jack was dying?

4. What deal did Vince offer Ray for the use of his yard?

5. What are the friends looking for in Chatham?

6. What problems has Lenny had with his daughter Sally?

7. What does Vince do at Wick's farm?

8. How does Vince respond when Lenny punches him?

9. Why did Vince think changes were happening in the sixties?

10. How does Ray think insurance works?

(see the answer keys)

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