Last of the Breed Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Last of the Breed Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the name of the man in charge of the town in Chapter 26?
(a) Gorky.
(b) Tamkov.
(c) Tolstoy.
(d) Petrovich.

2. Why does Mack decide to help Yakov?
(a) He can help Mack get back to America.
(b) He owes him money.
(c) He helped Natalya.
(d) He was the first person to help him.

3. Who does Zhikarev stay with when he gets to the Chinese border?
(a) His mistress.
(b) His brother.
(c) His cousin.
(d) His son.

4. How does Mack cause the avalanche?
(a) He hits the mountainside with a club.
(b) He throws loose rocks down from a ledge.
(c) He shoots at the mountainside.
(d) He causes an animal trampede.

5. Why is Mack unable to hunt as often as he would like in Chapter 36?
(a) He has injured his leg.
(b) The soldiers are too close.
(c) There are fewer animals.
(d) He has lost his bow.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Ostap convince the men to help him find Mack?

2. What is Ruskovsky's rank?

3. Which of the following is a reason why Natalya does not want to wait for Bocharev?

4. Who does Alekhin think Mack plans to kill?

5. How does Mack try to confuse Alekhin?

Short Essay Questions

1. What problems is Mack having in this chapter?

2. How does Mack try to confuse Alekhin?

3. Why is Mack worried about the soldiers in this section?

4. How does Mack stop the soldiers after him in this section?

5. What does Alekhin learn about Mack's habits?

6. Why does Mack decide to rescue Yakov?

7. Why does Yakov worry about Natayla?

8. Why does Botev pretend to be interested in finding Mack?

9. What mistake has Zamatev not only made, but also continues to make?

10. What problems is Alekhin having with Zamatev in this section?

(see the answer keys)

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