Last of the Breed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Last of the Breed Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 112 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Kyra sent?
(a) Along the Sea of Japan.
(b) The Sikhote Alin Mountains.
(c) Back to Shepilov's office.
(d) To Aldan.

2. What are the four virtues of a Sioux warrior?
(a) Bravery, generosity, wisdom and fortitude.
(b) Generoristy, bravery, intelligence and solitude.
(c) Emotionally detachment, wisdom, fortitude and strength.
(d) Wisdon, ruthlessness, bravery and magnitude.

3. What are Tungus?
(a) Lithuanian royalty.
(b) Russian police.
(c) Reindeer people.
(d) Siberian nationals.

4. Why can the Man On The Other End trust the Baroness?
(a) She is not motivated by money.
(b) She has good intuition.
(c) Her animosity towards her own country.
(d) Her old Soviet ties.

5. What is the key to survival?
(a) Sleep with one eye open.
(b) You have to accept the wilderness.
(c) Move against the wind.
(d) One must fight the wilderness with all their strength.

6. Who gives Joe his non-Indian heritage?
(a) A grandparent.
(b) His mother.
(c) His father.
(d) His great Scottish grandmother.

7. What is Alekhin's pride?
(a) His Russian heritage.
(b) He has never been defeated in an arm wrestle.
(c) No prisoner has escaped him.
(d) A reputation as a great chef.

8. Why does the settlement need Peshkov?
(a) He is a good hunter.
(b) He is a good leader.
(c) He is popular and good for morale.
(d) He knows how to throw a party.

9. What does Joe use to cross Olekma?
(a) A lumber plank.
(b) A gigantic old floater.
(c) A mass of driftwood.
(d) A single drift log.

10. By which river does Joe fall asleep from weariness?
(a) The Lena River.
(b) The Amur River.
(c) The Kalar River.
(d) The Tsipa River.

11. Who does Yakov say is searching for Mack?
(a) Peshkov.
(b) Natalya.
(c) Alekhin.
(d) Kyra.

12. Why does Joe think mine workers lived in the old building?
(a) There is a miner's lamp.
(b) There are old mining coats hanging on the wall.
(c) The water trough is full of mining tools.
(d) There are enough bunks for a dozen men.

13. Why has the settlement never been found?
(a) They have killed anyone who got near.
(b) The settlement is too well concealed.
(c) No one knows it exists.
(d) The Russians have never tried hard enough.

14. What does the undamaged nature of the new furs suggest?
(a) The animals were taken with snares.
(b) The animals died of natural causes.
(c) A Red Indian caught the animals.
(d) The animals were taken with traps.

15. Why does the rest of the village want Mack to stay?
(a) He is a good builder.
(b) He provides them with meat.
(c) He is a tourist attraction.
(d) He has money.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens at more than fifty below?

2. What does Mac say he will do to Peshkov if he tries to anything again?

3. Where does Mack meet Natalya in Chapter 16?

4. How far away is Joe when Alekhin visits Vanyushin?

5. What noise alerts Joe to the rail work?

(see the answer keys)

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