The Last Command Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Last Command Test | Final Test - Hard

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How many potential asteroids could the Rebels be faced with finding after Thrawn shatters them?

2. Who is with Leia as she and Han make their way to the battling Lukes?

3. According to the information retrieved in Chapter 17, how many Star Destroyers are nearly complete at Ord Trasi?

4. What is the main topic of the discussion between Luke and Mara on their way to Mt. Tantiss in Chapter 19?

5. Where are the most important officers standing as Leia makes her way through the hallway in the fourteenth chapter?

Short Essay Questions

1. What sign do Luke and Mara find in Chapter 19, and how does Mara explain it?

2. What surprising tactical decision does Thrawn make at the end of Chapter 20?

3. How do the Rebels discover that C'baoth is inside of the throne room?

4. What promise does Mara ask Luke to make as they are entering the mountain, and how does he respond?

5. How does the Council of the New Republic learn that the reports about the Empire's secret weapon are fraudulent?

6. How does Mara begin to understand what Luke is going through in Chapter 19 and see things from a different perspective?

7. How does the meeting of the smugglers at Hijarna depict the doubts of the smugglers in Chapter 15?

8. What leads Leia to discover the Imperial Delta Source in Chapter 17?

9. What is Leia's dream in the beginning of Chapter 14, and how does she respond to it?

10. How is Luke's clone, Luuke, developed?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Describe the break-in attempt of the Palace on Coruscant by Himron and the Imperial intruders, including the intent of their mission, all of the characters involved, how they are stopped, and the unintended consequences of Mara's actions.

Essay Topic 2

Luke and Mara have very different pasts with the Empire.

1) Explain Mara's past and how her experiences with the Emperor have preconditioned her to struggle with an internal conflict.

2) Describe Luke's past dealings with the Emperor and how they help Mara work through her confusion.

3) Analyze the differences between Luke and Mara as well as their similarities in their outlook on the Empire and the New Republic.

Essay Topic 3

The smugglers have two meetings at Hijarna that prove to be consequential for the Empire and the New Republic.

1) Explain the events that take place during the first meeting at Hijarna.

2) Describe Karrde's concerns during the second meeting of the smugglers at Hijarna.

3) Explain the circumstances that lead to Ferrier's death at Hijarna and how the smugglers react to it.

(see the answer keys)

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