Languages of Truth: Essays 2003-2020 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Languages of Truth: Essays 2003-2020 Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. As which of the following does Rushdie explain Heraclitus’s idea of ethos?
(a) Guiding principle that shapes one’s life.
(b) Assertion of considered reason.
(c) Way of being in the world.
(d) Overarching cultural story about the culture.

2. How many days pass for Shahryar and Shah Zaman between their revenge for cuckoldry and their marriages to Scheherazade and Dunyazad?
(a) 1,001.
(b) 1,095.
(c) 1,189.
(d) 907.

3. To what literary device does Rushdie suggest García Márquez is prone?
(a) Litotes.
(b) Hyperbole.
(c) Periphrasis.
(d) Laconism.

4. Which of the following does Rushdie posit may have connected Shakespeare to Cervantes?
(a) Thespis.
(b) Cardenio.
(c) Love’s Labor’s Won.
(d) Two Noble Kinsmen.

5. Of which of the following was Heraclitus a prince?
(a) Heraclion.
(b) Ephesus.
(c) Patmos.
(d) Pythagoreio.

6. How many deaths does Rushdie attribute to Shahryar and Shah Zaman before their marriages to Scheherazade and Dunyazad?
(a) 4,215.
(b) 2,213.
(c) 1,212.
(d) 3,214.

7. In what year does Rushdie note having first read One Hundred Years of Solitude?
(a) 1974.
(b) 1975.
(c) 1972.
(d) 1973.

8. In what year did Heller publish Catch-22?
(a) 1961.
(b) 1964.
(c) 1963.
(d) 1962.

9. Which Kabbalah scholar does Rushdie note condemns Roth’s work?
(a) Boaz Huss.
(b) Gershom Scholem.
(c) Moshe Idel.
(d) Joseph Dan.

10. As which of the following does Rushdie gloss"khalaas"?
(a) Suspect.
(b) Ramshackle.
(c) Done for.
(d) Peace.

11. Which of the following does Rushdie note having written for his son?
(a) The Ground Beneath Her Feet.
(b) The Satanic Verses.
(c) Haroun and the Sea of Stories.
(d) Grimus.

12. With which of the following does Part One end?
(a) “…once you have found your wings, you fly.”
(b) “Happy Commencement Day.”
(c) “I am proud to receive an award named for Harold Pinter, a great writer, a great citizen, and a great friend in need.”
(d) “And in our age of oversimplification, this beautiful complication has never been more important.”

13. Which of the following does Rushdie note translated the Thousand Nights and One Night?
(a) Francis Perrault.
(b) Andrew Lang.
(c) Antoine Galland.
(d) Jakob Grimm.

14. In what year does Rushdie report having met Eudora Welty?
(a) 1982.
(b) 1978.
(c) 1984.
(d) 1980.

15. Which of the following does Rushdie note having written for his son?
(a) Quichotte.
(b) Shalimar the Clown.
(c) Midnight’s Children.
(d) Luka and the Fire of Life.

Short Answer Questions

1. In what year does Rushdie note having first read Portnoy’s Complaint?

2. To which of the following does Rushdie compare himself?

3. Which of the following does Rushdie use as a name for Chicago?

4. To which of the following is the anthology dedicated?

5. Which of the following does Rushdie report being among his father’s library?

(see the answer keys)

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