Langston Hughes Test | Final Test - Medium

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Langston Hughes Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Hughes do when he returns to Moscow?
(a) He waits for his permit to leave.
(b) He meets with another movie producer to discuss creating a film about his experiences in Russia.
(c) He learns Russian.
(d) He writes and sells articles about his travels in Russia.

2. In the spring of 1937 for whom does Hughes travel to Spain as a correspondent?
(a) The Baltimore, a Baltimore based publication.
(b) Time, a New York based publication.
(c) The African American, a Baltimore based publication.
(d) The Crisis, a New York based publication.

3. The result of Hughes' time spent writing in this place is what?
(a) A book of short stories.
(b) A book of poetry.
(c) An autobiography.
(d) A play.

4. What does Langston receive for "Not Without Laughter?"
(a) A one hundred dollar prize.
(b) A four thousand dollar prize.
(c) A four hundred dollar prize.
(d) A one thousand dollar prize.

5. When does Langston return to the United States?
(a) In the midst of the Great Depression.
(b) After the Great Depression.
(c) Before the Great Depression.
(d) A week after the Crash.

Short Answer Questions

1. How does Hughes become involved with anti-war campaigns?

2. What happens to the musical revue for which Langston works as a song lyricist?

3. During this time he meets with many important literary figures of what movement?

4. For how long does "Don't You Want to Be Free?" run?

5. When Fire is finally published at the end of the summer, how is it received?

Short Essay Questions

1. What does Langston do after his first year at Lincoln?

2. What does Langston do, while he is in Chicago?

3. Why does Hughes travel to Spain?

4. What happens after Langston returns to New York City?

5. What does Langston do when he returns to Harlem?

6. What happens to the movie for which Hughes had been asked to become a writer?

7. What does Langston do upon returning to the United States?

8. What does Langston do when he travels to New Orleans?

9. What does Aimie Semple McPherson say about Langston?

10. What is significant about "Don't You Want to Be Free?"

(see the answer keys)

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