Langston Hughes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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Langston Hughes Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 124 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Mary make her living?
(a) By cooking, cleaning, and washing for rich white families.
(b) By waitressing in a small diner.
(c) By renting rooms to college students who went to the University of Kansas.
(d) By working as a professor at the University of Kansas.

2. Why is Lincoln known as the "black Princeton?"
(a) The courses are similar to those at Princeton.
(b) Many of the white faculty had gone to Princeton.
(c) Many of the black faculty had gone to Princeton.
(d) Many of the black students would later attend graduate school at Princeton.

3. How is Mary Langston a proud woman?
(a) She does not speak to white people.
(b) She never asks for help.
(c) She charges a great deal of money to work for white people.
(d) She refuses to cook, clean, or wash for rich white families.

4. Who introduces Langston to the poetry of Carl Sandburg?
(a) Miss Ethel Weimer.
(b) Miss Emily Mills.
(c) Miss Ellen Conn.
(d) Miss Emilia Hartkopf.

5. What does Langston observe while working at a soda fountain?
(a) Social interaction.
(b) Many different views on racial issues.
(c) The many people who support the war.
(d) Many different views on the war.

6. In what activity is Hughes involved?
(a) The school Communist organization.
(b) The school band.
(c) The school basketball team.
(d) The school paper.

7. How does Langston know this influential woman?
(a) She is his neighbor.
(b) She is his mother's employer.
(c) She is his English teacher.
(d) She sponsors the Garden Club to which Hughes belongs.

8. How are his first few months in this city?
(a) Boring.
(b) Sad.
(c) Difficult.
(d) Exciting.

9. Who is Hughes' only friend in Africa?
(a) A sixteen-year-old mulatto boy.
(b) An eighteen-year-old white woman.
(c) A twenty-year-old sailor.
(d) An old African man.

10. What does Langston do that evening?
(a) He prays.
(b) He writes a letter to his mother.
(c) He calls his mother.
(d) He cries himself to sleep.

11. Describe Hughes' family history.
(a) Abusive.
(b) Mixed.
(c) Uneducated.
(d) Exciting.

12. Where does Langston enjoy watching Saturday football games?
(a) At the University of Kansas.
(b) At his high school.
(c) On television.
(d) At the Kansas State University.

13. What job does Langston have on his first ship?
(a) He is a cook.
(b) He serves the captain.
(c) He is a mess boy.
(d) He works in the engine room.

14. At what age does Langston Hughes begin to consider himself a poet?
(a) Ten.
(b) Fourteen.
(c) Five.
(d) Twenty.

15. Why do the children do this?
(a) They want to assist with the service.
(b) They want to be professional singers.
(c) Their families bring them to church every Sunday.
(d) They claim to be saved.

Short Answer Questions

1. When is Langston reunited with his father for a short while?

2. How much does Langston's meal cost him?

3. High school has readied him for college. Does Langston have a chance of going on with his education?

4. Who is Langston's only friend at Columbia?

5. From whom is his mother's grandfather supposedly descended?

(see the answer keys)

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