Lancelot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Lancelot Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 8, where were Raine, Troy and Janos going to watch the storm blow in?
(a) In the belvedere with Margot.
(b) Inland at the studio offices.
(c) On the movie set with the crew.
(d) In the hotel, in the ballroom with the other guests.

2. At the end of Chapter 7, where did Lancelot's wife tell Lancelot she was heading?
(a) No where.
(b) Her parents' house in New York.
(c) Paris.
(d) London.

3. Lancelot feels as though he has his proof, but what is wrong with the movies?
(a) The quality of the tapes is poor and it is unclear whether the actors are acting or the movies are real.
(b) It is not completely clear who the actors were and it is unclear when the movies were shot.
(c) The quality of the movies is poor and it is unclear where the movies were shot.
(d) The quality of the tapes is poor and it is not completely clear who the actors were.

4. Who was the aggressor in Lancelot's relationship story in Chapter 7?
(a) Lucy.
(b) Elgin.
(c) Margot.
(d) Tex.

5. In Chapter 6, when Lancelot returns to his story, what does he say he asked Elgin to make him?
(a) A raft.
(b) A movie.
(c) Dinner.
(d) A car.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 7, Lancelot beings to talk about what?

2. Percival was whose nickname in college?

3. Where will Lancelot be leaving later in the day at the end of the book?

4. A memory in Chapter 7 triggered Lancelot to recall what story?

5. In Chapter 7, the theme of the novel continues to grow, and appears to be what?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Elgin going to make a movie for Lancelot?

2. When Lancelot suggested to Margot that they spend some time alone, what was her reaction?

3. Lancelot tells a story about his grandfather. What is the story?

4. What does Lancelot claim as the point of his quest through the story?

5. What does Lancelot confess when he recalls the first time he made love to Margot?

6. What happens when Lancelot asks Harry questions?

7. After viewing the tapes, what does Lancelot tell Merlin to do and why?

8. What does Lancelot do that makes the reader wonder if he is really being let out of the hospital?

9. What will be the difference in women between the New World and the current world?

10. When Lancelot went to the movie set, what did Janos explain to him?

(see the answer keys)

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